Thanks to everybody for their advise for this about my NVLD 9year old and his problems with reading comprehension. I looked at the website for LMB’s Visualizing and Verbalizing program. The neuropsych did say he has trouble with the visual perceptual and visual spatial so it sounds like this V&V may be just the thing for him. There are no centers around here so we would have to do it at home. Do I need to learn anything special or go for training to be able to do this and be successful?
Also, if the V&V works, would we still need the Fast Forward? Would FFW help more with concentration in the classroom and be better able to ignore the distractions and follow directions better? He does pretty well one-on-one but in the classroom he has a hard time focusing and staying on task and remembering what to do. Does FFW solve any of the CAPD issues? He’s borderline for CAPD. The audiologist did recommend an FM system. Has anybody tried that? Was there any problem with kids making fun of it. My son is extremely sensitive
The main advise I’ve received from the neuropsych is to continue with one-on-one tutoring and to get OT to help with his fine motor skills and the OT can also help with the visual perceptual? Anybody had any experience with an OT and the visual perceptual issues? We’re still on the waiting list for that.
Thanks for any advice. I need help in figuring out what to do to help him.
My son does OT and the therapist works on fine motor (stacking monkey game, tracing lines on coloring books) rather basic I find and frankly most of it can be done at home. For visual perception it is find what is different in the picture and tangrams as I think I posted earlier. I would be curious to know what other OTs do for therapy so I hope others will post on this subject.