I have a learning disabled adult-child who has her 2-year community college degree. She must pass statistics in order to transfer to a 4-year college (State University of California) She has tried twice and will try again spring semester. Any suggestion for tutoring, strategies, etc?
When I’ve got somebody who needs math help, I figure out a: just how far back I need to go, b: what the general learning style is (in very broad terms, is this a step-by-step thinker or a “big picture” thinker, and is there a learning strength I can tap? Some folks are great visual learners and have never learned to use that in math.)
The author’s name evades me, but there are a couple of good books on “winning in math” at college that have very good strategies for approaching college math. Ah, Paul Nolting. I don’t care for his books aimed at the professionals — there’s not word *one* about how we might teach things differently, just for starters, and he seems to perceive folks as having a set ability to learn/comprehend math, period, that’s it, deal with it. But his books for students have great suggestions for dealing with math as well as the anxiety that so often accompanies it.