I am looking for a clock i had used years ago for LD students to help them learn time. It was color coded at each number, hands were two different colors, withHOUR and MINUTE written across the hands, made of yellow plastic and had the #1-59 in black all around outer edge…i thought it was made by Spartus, but i can not locate online…any ideas?
Re: clock
Try the Judy clock. There are small individual clocks and a Large one for the teacher to use for demonstration purposes. The hands have a gear so that when you move one hand the other is synchronized for accurate placement.
Re: clock - have the same one
I have that very clock in my kitchen, still working after sixteen years and ten moves. It works, but my daughter never did learn to use an analog clock … Anyway, yes it is made by Spartus. I vaguely remember that the leaflet that came with it was called “Tick-Tock the (something) clock”. Keep searching, I guess.
I was able to find one on ebay by typing in teaching clock. Timex has a series of watches called Time Teachers that mimic this idea, their very inexpensive. We’ve purchased our DD a couple of those, and they have helped her get a much better concept of time.