My son has auditory processing disorder and is in the fourth grade. He is a visual learner. Actually his teacher reads the ss lesson to the class and they complete a ditto. he is having alot of trouble with this. Any suggestions on how the teacher can make the ss lessons more visual?
Email me privately if you wish as [email protected]
Re: Need Socail STudies modifications
My daughter had a difficult time last year in 4th grade, mostly because the text was such a difficult reading level and she couldn’t pick out what was important and what was not. This year, the teacher makes a study sheet for each section with fill-in-the-blank questions for them to look up. Then she returns the study sheets to them right before the test on the whole chapter, and they study those sheets instead of the entire chapter. It has made all the difference in the world for her. Just a thought. Kathy
Re: Need Socail STudies modifications
How about a graphic organizer that the teacher fills out on the overhead as she goes over the material in the book? (A graphic organizer is a worksheet that organizes the notes that a teacher gives. A venn diagram is one type of graphic organizer.) This not only makes the information visual, but it also gives your son a good study guide! Any teacher store has books of graphic organizers. Hope this helps!!
I’d try to get a copy of what she’s reading the night before and go over it with him. She could give him a copy of what she’s reading with some illustrations in the margins that might help him to visually follow a long. If she could even provide him with one oro two pictures - printed out from the Net perhaps- that strongly associates with the lesson at hand that might help and certainly couldn’t hurt.