Dear Friends,
We have a 9 year old child who is easily distracted and has attention deficit. He also needs to learn some social skills.
This academic year he attended grade 2 in a regular school overseas and successfully integrated the school with the help of a tutor who helped not only him but the other students as well. This has been a success because of the support the school and the teachers gave to this initiative. We would like to continue the same for the next academic year and are looking for an experienced special education teacher/tutor who would love to be part of a system where inclusion is key.
Please share this message with anyone who might be interested.
Thank you,
My family is based in Bamako, Mali. Bamako is the capital city of Mali, located in West Africa, along the Niger River. Yes, the former Mali Empire, home to the great cities of Timbuktu, Jenne, Segou etc.
I would like to send to you the complete position description. Would you kindly give me your email address.
Thank you.