Hi, I am new to this site as a new clincal supervisor of a program serving adolescents with disabling conditions.
I am interested to know how folks out there are feeling about vocational rehabilitation programs within or outside you school district.
Further, I would be interested to hear constructive comments to improve vocational programs from the perspective of school personnel.
Lastly, if you didn’t know it existed at all, let’s talk about what options may be available for your students.
Re: vocational rehab
Experiences with voc rehab are going to vary from state to state. Some states have depleted funding to a subsistence/bare bones level, others see the value and have level-funded or increased funding.
Here in Vermont, we are in the middle of that spectrum; no funding increases, but no drastic cuts either. There is tuition assistance (limited), adaptive tech (limited), and other college assistance, but great career development and job search assistance, as employment is the big push for VT.
Good luck in your conversations. Our CIP Program (Community Integration Program) here at Bellows Free Academy, St. Albans, VT, is *excellent*; you could talk to the director, Bill Cain, about what we offer: [email protected]
Our person from Vocational Rehab is wonderful! She comes from a town about 45 min. away. She attends the Senior Student IEP meetings and listens to what everyone has to say,and she always goes over what all Voc.Rehab has to offer the student after graduation. I have been teaching for 11 years and the last 3 years voc. rehab has really been involved. They are a great resource for the student and parent in regards to jobs after high school, and/or college.