Hi,Has anyone had any experience, good or bad, with the Davis Method for dyslexics? He claims that people can overcome dyslexia with his method but I didn’t think that dyslexia could be ‘overcome’. Is this snakeoil?Andrea
Hi,Has anyone had any experience, good or bad, with the Davis Method for dyslexics? He claims that people can overcome dyslexia with his method but I didn’t think that dyslexia could be ‘overcome’. Is this snakeoil?Andrea
PASSWORD>aaI221mi7wL3IThere is something to it, specifically the orientation part of the Davis program. Many dyslexic kids have the uncanny ability to look at things from all angles. Meaning they can turn a letter around, looking at it from all angles, upside down, backwards etc…so that is why they are writing letters backwards…In Davis’ interpretation of orientation he stresses that they need to keep the orientation proper on a page so that they can read, with the letters going from left to right and the way that they are formed is important. We use portions of it where I work espcially the orientation part but the Davis program doesn’t even get into phonemic awareness and the sound symbol relationship which is where many kids get messed up when attempting to read..After reading Davis’ book is seemed to me that he may have had Aspergers or a non-verbal learning disability as a child..