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Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

This relates to my earlier post re: IEE. If a parent disagrees with the sd eval & requests IEE does the sd have the right to send student records to the IEE without parental consent? What if the parent has requested to review the student records / asked to see what was being sent and was not afforded the opportunity? What if the parent wrote, on the records release form, that they refused to sign until they were given this chance? The independent evaluator said all they needed was a listing of tests previously performed (not the actual results) — at least at this time. What if the sd went ahead and sent records anyway, using the theory that the independent (chosen from “the list”) was a “subcontractor” or an “employee”. This would, in my mind, not be an IEE & sounds really crazy to me. I would think the fact that the records were released was a violation of FERPA at the very least, there seems to be some confusion (at least here) regarding this matter.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 03/14/2001 - 5:00 AM


This IS not an independent eval,if the evaluator is or was in a relationship with the district. They may not send anything,ANYTHING,without the parental consent to release information. This would go for the district and your evaluator. You,can request any evaluator as long as they meet the qualifications of evaluatoers set up by the state.: This relates to my earlier post re: IEE. If a parent disagrees with
: the sd eval & requests IEE does the sd have the right to send
: student records to the IEE without parental consent? What if the
: parent has requested to review the student records / asked to see
: what was being sent and was not afforded the opportunity? What if
: the parent wrote, on the records release form, that they refused
: to sign until they were given this chance? The independent
: evaluator said all they needed was a listing of tests previously
: performed (not the actual results) — at least at this time. What
: if the sd went ahead and sent records anyway, using the theory
: that the independent (chosen from “the list”) was a
: “subcontractor” or an “employee”. This would,
: in my mind, not be an IEE & sounds really crazy to me. I would
: think the fact that the records were released was a violation of
: FERPA at the very least, there seems to be some confusion (at
: least here) regarding this matter.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 03/14/2001 - 5:00 AM


Thank you Socks !!! I was beginning to think I was nuts:)

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