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Request for Pattim (was "dyslexia")

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

EMAILNOTICES>noPattim, I posted this request in the “dyslexia” thread below, but since it is approaching the bottom of the page and will disappear before long, I thought I would ask again here.With your permission, I’d like to post the anecdote you shared on an education NG I frequent. There’s a thread on that NG about ADHD, and I feel that the story will open some eyes there. Would you object if I did so?Yours truly, Kathy G._________I have worked with kids who are ADD-Inattentive and have low self-esteem because they know they are smarter than what they are producing. One child was constantly failing classes before I started working with her. She was always fidgeting and spacing out in class and couldn’t even concentrate one-on-one to do her work. She was in 7th grade, her parents knew she had ADD way back in kindergarten and they chose to not do anything about it. As a result, she spent 7 years in school struggling, always scraping the barrel of low average, but she was very smart but not performing to her potential. It was so frustrating for the girl and her parents as well. She started meds in January and it is like a light bulb went on in her head. She is getting it, her writing which used to be so disorganized, messy and sloppy is neat and precise. I showed her stuff she did in summer before meds and what she was doing now and you can see the difference. Her brain is firing on all cylinders and she is feeling so good about herself. She isn’t on Ritalin—she is on an anti-depressant Zoloft, but it has worked wonders for her. Her mom told me last night, “I wish we had done the meds years ago, they have helped her so much.”

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 03/14/2001 - 5:00 AM


PASSWORD>aaI221mi7wL3Iput anonymous instead of my named on the respost onto another site…I want to respect the privacy of my student. pattim

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 03/14/2001 - 5:00 AM


EMAILNOTICES>no: put anonymous instead of my named on the respost onto another
: site…I want to respect the privacy of my student. pattimOK. I will. Thanks.Kathy G.

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