I have a 10 year old 5th grade daughter who has been identified as having a specific learning disability. I was shocked when this happened, and decided to take her to Lindamood-Bell for intensive reading work (10-15 hrs/wk) rather than take the 30min/day the school offered. This year, I am getting her 2hr/wk private math tutoring and still not getting any services from the school. This is *my* request, not a refusal on the school’s part.
I’m trying to understand what services the school can offer, but have not gotten any detailed answers beyond “small group” work. Can any of you tell me in more detail the services your kids are receiving? I understand speech therapy (my daughter doesn’t need any), OT-type therapy for sensory integration issues (my daughter was tested for these and doesn’t qualify), and have an idea what small group language or math support might be. Am I missing something? What services are available that my daughter is not getting that she could/should be getting?
She doesn’t want to go to the resource room, and I’m feeling like she’s getting enough support right now (again, this is not really knowing what she might be “missing”), but I’m very concerned about her moving on to junior high. There is no way she could do that and succeed right now.
THe only way you can tell is to go to *your* school and find out what is being offered. Visit the classes… the less they are willing to tell you, the less they probably do. Talk to other parents (obviously a teacher isn’t going to sit and go over some other kid’s work with you). There are places where resource is *invaluable* and there are places where it’s dangerous. I’ve taught both.