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Hating High School - Vent

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

My LD son started high school (9th grade) this year. The high school is rated “Excellent” according to state standards, but how is beyond my comprehension. There is no pre-Algebra class or even a math class at a 7th - 8th level. The reason I was given was staffing issues. Everyone eithers goes to algebra or math topics. Math topics is clearly for the LD, retarded, problem learners - the dumping ground. The math level is approximately what my child was doing in fourth grade. All the assignments are “integrated learning”. You don’t learn history, you write a epic tale to tell history. Ok - a neat assignment for creative expressive students, but my child has trouble holding a pencil and big problems with expressing more than the terse statements. The alternative history class is completely dumbed down and far below what he was doing in middle school. I expressed concern that his Special Ed case workers were just enrolling him in the minimal amount of credit hours and was told not to worry that he would get credit for holding a job in 11th grade. Who are they to decide that his educational track is serving donuts? To top it off, I had to drop an item off at school and when I drove up the police were busting up a fight and the high school girl in the office only had a memory of a shirt on. What type of place has high school become?

Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 10/27/2001 - 5:03 PM


I like your phrase - a memory of a shirt. But like you, I don’t like high schools much. And it has changed a lot over the past few years just as our society has changed.

I’ve said this on the BB before but high schools and most schools have grown too big to be able to have any positive impact on students’ lives. High school and their faculties are struggling. “Staffing issues” prevail in many places.

My younger child is almost out of high school now and it’s been a long time coming.

Good luck to you and your son.

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 10/29/2001 - 2:13 AM


Welcome to reality. Many schools win awards by putting their time and money and good staff into the specific kids that make good statistics — at the direct expense of the rest of the school.

Are you ready to think creatively about options? The “developmental” level courses at the local community college may be more appropriate, and I know it’s done some places… maybe you can be the first where you are.

Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 11/03/2001 - 8:09 AM


That is an interesting idea! We have a community college that is almost in walking distance. They advertise that honors student can take advanced courses at the college but I doubt anyone has looked into the developmental courses which I know they have. Thanks!

Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 11/03/2001 - 8:09 AM


That is an interesting idea! We have a community college that is almost in walking distance. They advertise that honors student can take advanced courses at the college but I doubt anyone has looked into the developmental courses which I know they have. Thanks!

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