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iep goals

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

We are set to have an IEP meeting next Monday for my son, age 7.0, 1st grade. He already receives speech twice weekly and OT once. In addition to apraxia of speech, he is struggling with reading and writing so we are adding Resource room. He’ll go 2 hours daily for more individualized help with a special educ teacher (3-4 kids in class). What would be appropriate goals for this? I’m thinking perhaps;
1) Direct reading instruction with goals of; reading sight words, spelling words and books at age level ( he’s started going to private tutor for OG one hour weekly now, currently he just reads about 40 sight words, cannot sound out words.)
2)Able to write sight and spelling words, and simple sentences using lower case letter and punctuation. (Now uses upper case, easier for him.. His sentences are impossible to read, bunch of letters together..)
3) Able to count and write numbers to 100. Add and subtract single digits on paper (can do in head now)
4)Break tasks into smaller steps. Break instructions into meaningful chunks.
5) Encourage him and give lots of positive reinforcement.
6) Ongoing communication between school and home.

Is this too much? too vague? Any ideas are appreciated.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 12/05/2001 - 2:01 AM


Sounds very good. You are using measurable content and that always helps. Anymore pull outs and he might miss the classroom process.
I would consider making sure that things like auditory and visual processing systems are working correctly. Auditory processing issues and eye convergence issues are not uncommon sponsors of some of the items you mentioned.

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