Does any one know if Fastforward improves auditory memory?
Also, can anyone (maybe some of you SLP’s)
recommend books from Linguisystems or some other source
with exercises for auditory memory?
For a seven year old with capd.
Thanks a lot!
Re: the central auditory processing kit
If your child has been diagnois with an auditory processing problem and is having trouble with reading etc, then it is worth looking into.
Re: Auditory Memory
While you’re ordering from Lingui-Systems, take a look at their new AP game called Barnaby’s Burrow. I just received it today and it has auditory memory components. We also use Earobics Step 1, which has some excellent auditory memory games and all are useful for a child with APD. The home version for use by up to two children and a guest is $59…a significant amount less than FFW!
I have been told that FFW has helped auditory memory in some children, though.
Re: Auditory Memory
My then 7 year old son did FFW with improvements in auditory memory. It brought him into the low normal range, which was a major improvement.
Still, I would try EArobics first because it is soooo much cheaper and only do FFW if your child can not manage the exercises.
Re: the central auditory processing kit
My CAPD son now has a sound field system in the classroom. When I asked him about it all he would say is the teacher’s voice is now louder. He didn’t seem to know if it helped. I asked his teacher and she said she doesn’t notice any difference—that he still doesn’t follow whole class discussion/teaching and requires lots of one on one assitance.
Any thoughts?
Re: Auditory Memory
Fastforward is for phonological awareness, auditory processing and phonics skills. I’m not sure if it actually improves auditory memory. We did Fastforward and didn’t see much of a result. A cheaper wonderful program that is available on cd rom is earobics by cognitive concepts(847) 328-8099. Hope it helps.
by Lingui Systems is for 6 to 12 year olds. It runs about $109.95. It covers auditory memory, auditory discrimination, auditory closure, auditory synthesis, auditory figure ground, auditory cohesion, auditory binaural intergration, compensatory strategies, environmental management.
Doing nursery rhymes and little songs like BINGO, Old Mc Donald woudl be great too. Anything with repetition and a beat would help him integrate his listening skills. Books on tape like Read Naturally would be good. Also use of an FM listening device in the classroom would help him develop auditory memory and focus in the classroom. My daughter has a fantastic auditory memory. She has a hearing impairment but she has used an FM system for 8 years since kindergarten. The FM system has been wonderful becuase she didn’t have any auditory memory before the FM device.