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a poem

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

A woman I know with HFA is an amature poet. Like most part-time poets, much of what she writes is too personal for her to share, or for us to truly appreciate. However she has written several pieces which are quite good actually. I aked for and got her permission to repost this one as I see fit, so long as I credit her screen name (a simple enough request really).

I am posting this here for two reasons. One is to illustrate the variable nature of autism. It is a Spectrum disorder both in the intensity of impact it can have on an individual as well as in the manner that it impacts them as well. It is easy for us sometimes to focus so closely on the negative aspects of this disorder (or any disorder really) that we forget to notice the strengths. Many wrongfully assume that most autistic people are profoundly MR, in truth they are more often profoundly “socially retarded” or “communicatively impaired”. Because of this they score below their true ability on canned IQ tests, even those which supposedly take into consideration non-verbal skills.

The second is to give an example into the clarity of thought that autistic people sometimes have. Over the last 3 years, I have learned more about autism that has helped me with my boy by talking to adults on Spectrum than I ever have reading books by PhD’s who seem more interested on impressing their peers or websites by large organizations which are long on the mysteries of autism and short on solutions.

This woman wrote this piece in response to the treatment she received on a forum dedicated to poets sharing their work. As with most message boards, their is a cadre of core posters who have schooled together into a clique. We see this in the women’s leagues, in the country club set, in our church groups and in the halls of high school. The “in crowd” will steam-roller over the cast-asides and wall-flowers. So it is one most message boards (only the really big boards avoid this just from the mass of posters), big fish in small pond syndrome.

This piece impressed me with the simplicity of its summation and it cleverness of wordplay. The fact that it was written by someone whom most people would assume is incapable of creating such a work is bonus.

The March
by Medusa

clique clique
step step
bond to~GET~her

clique clique
step step
we have the POW~her

clique clique
step step
better then the ot~HER

clique clique
step step
stomp on the f~LOWER

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 04/01/2002 - 12:52 PM


Great poem! I’ve always been troubled by the clique mentality. It seems to openly demonstrate (hu)man’s ability to devolve to the animal kingdom mentality. Weak minded individuals who need to feel strong by ganging up on those they determine to be “weaker” than themselves. Somehow an attempt to demonstrate strength. What an irony. From all those groups you mentioned to gangs, as individuals they show no character, no strength, no backbone… I don’t know… Just wanted to share my appreciation for the poem, and disdain for cliques.

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 04/01/2002 - 1:41 PM


Hi, Dad…amazing poem, and probably amazing author.

Thank you so much for sharing that.


Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 04/01/2002 - 7:45 PM


Great Poem! Too bad it’s so often true!

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