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You Must take thing upon yourself

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Dear, Power moms

I would like to say this site is a breath of fresh air. I started last week building computers for children with L D who can’t afford them. So I went looking for ideals for software that I might include .I have hit maybe 5 sites and what I read is disturbing. A lot of whining about the school system and What’s not being done for there children.

Not here, I see a lot of post with solutions attached, some whining but for the most part positive. I am here to tell anyone who expects others to care, is wasting precious time and resources on others especially mortals (non L D ers ) to help them. If you stop and think, why should the school system be any different than the rest of the world? For instance, if you have a job and work for a co. that has oh, lets say 100 Employees. How many of those employees go the extra mile like stay late even though the don’t need to or take classes to improve efficiency or talk about the books they are reading in there area of responsibility.

I would say in a co. this size you would find maybe 5 people willing to go the extra mile. Would this co. treat its largest customers better than its smaller customers? That’s a know brainer. Mortal children (non LD ers) are the larger customer = more revenue. And your children are, well are doors are open they got the cash lets serve them but don’t forget who pays the bills smaller costmers. (The co. being your school system of course) These are life s laws and that’s that.

I went down to FL 3 weeks ago stopped to play golf got paired up with a man and his two children. To say this man was a casual drinker would be putting it lightly. anyhow we were talking and the son commented how his dad took a cake walk position at work so he would have more time to play golf. Turns out he was a special ed. teacher “I only have 8 kids and they don’t require much “

Here’s another one, a site I was at Sunday, a special ed teacher who’s students are all court appointed wrote “ ONE of my students is Dyslexic “ does this man not know that its more likely that 90 % of his class has got some sort of L D .

If you are the parent of a child with a Learning Disability you had better take steps on your own to teach your children and raise them to adulthood. DO NOT expect someone else to do it. You only have a 5% chance that someone who cares will come along to do it for you. You must live, sleep & breath this thing. Make sure your children understand who they are and that its know big deal. They just learn differently THAT’S IT. The one chance, one way only, if you don’t get it, tough luck to you school system, just does not work for them.

Oh, and the golfing teacher, he got in his truck with his two children and drove home. After I would say, 8 beers in two hrs. This is who I would rely on. NOT

Good luck to all the power moms doing what it takes

Oh, Yes, the reason I stopped here in the first place. Any one have any good ideals for software that could enhance learning for those of us who need a different system, let me know. I’m currently writing some programs however, they are far from being complete.

Sorry to be so long winded

D & A D D


Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 05/23/2002 - 4:23 PM


One thing I like to see in programs is you have to beat a level before you can go on. My child can guess and guess till she has done the whole program and I don’t feel she has learned a thing.It would also be great if she could click on a word she doesn’t know how to read and the program would tell her what it is.My greatest wish is to find a “encyclopedia” “dictionary” program with lots of pictures and the ability to click on words and have the program read it outloud.The ones I have, to look up a word such as evaporation it would be listed in the context of the water cycle but no picture to explain the process and mom has to read for child to understand. Good Luck-

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 05/23/2002 - 11:00 PM


Good for you. Your computer idea could change a lot of lives. First thing check with macintosh dealers and others. I was looking for a CD rom for old 1995 computer and salesman laughed then asked if I was with a school or church. He said that he often hears of good computers only a little bit out of date that people are looking to get rid of when they update and so he often directs them to schools or churches. Also when my husband’s firm decided to change software they got brand new computers and gave all the old ones away to charities.
Post this on the technology board on this bb for software. There is a program that you can download for trial that will read programs for your child (as in the encyclopedia as mentioned by Mom below.) I can’t remember name and some kids can’t understand the genie, but it works for some things for us.
Also I would reccommend Read, Write, Type.

Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 05/24/2002 - 2:45 AM


thx for the ideals. The little genie guy is @ its great for proofreading and long articals. its hepls me but some little peaple may have a problem understaning him. give it a shot, its shareware.

Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 05/24/2002 - 1:49 PM


This is somethign that has frustrated me for *years.* How difficult can it be to design materials with visuals. WE HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY for crying out loud!!! Software and books geared to our kids are so incredibly full of words, words, words, words… and I”m not saying that the words aren’t the *key* to understanding this stuff, but you need pictures to get the kiddo there. On my summer “to do” list is to sketch out some ideas (think about it, why does photosynthesis have to be reduced to a formula? It’s amazing stuff…) — now, if I only knew the software company to take it on…

Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 05/24/2002 - 1:56 PM


We just equipped our little software lab at the community college with software, including TextHelp (the whole nine yards :-)) and Inspiration (which isn’t too pricey). Microsoft Word in its latest rendition can do some pretty impressive things too, to make writing easier for people without flying fingers. Just showing folks the “right click over the misspelled word to see options, then left click and it changes it” has brightened more than a few faces.
Read, Write & Type is really good for younger kids; for teaching reading to the older ones I’d highly recommend Lexia Learning’s software (Strategies for Older STudents).
I’m about to dash out to the college to use the scanner myself — I just got the IDA journal yesterday and the theme is “postsecondary ed” and they’ve got a generous permission policy. So I’ll look & see what else is on there ;)
I”ve also got some odds & ends reviewed on my site at — drop by and see if there’s anything useful for you there. Soon it’ll have some of those “transition to postsecondary” articles ;))

Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 05/25/2002 - 7:44 AM


That’s theone. However seems to be Irish company and we had devil of time getting any tech support let alone even ordering it. My son age 6 can understand him well but have read other parents on learning w technology that their kids couldnt.
Love the genie but he couldn’t read Narnia books….
Are you a registered charity. If you were corporations might find it easier to donate old laptops etc.. God bless and God speed!!!

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