Hello, I was wondering if anyone had tried the Phonological Awareness Skills Program developed by Jerome Rosner. I saw it at a meeting and from what I could see it has both the auditory and visual skills put together in an oraganized format to instruct kids who need to develop phonological skills. Any comments would be welcomed.
Another benefit to the Rosner book.
I have been using some of the tests on my almost 4 year old child. I hope to spot any area of deficits early and then remediate them.
So far, so good.
I am using Jerome Rosners book, Helping Children Overcome Learning Difficulties to help remediate my child’s visual perception difficulties. His block design on the WISC was a 4, his lowest score. After 6 weeks of doing this 1/2 hour almost every day he has jumped one grade level in ability on the TVAS. He started at the kindergarten level (he is 8 going into 3rd grade) I could swear that he has also improved at catching the football. It is subjective and hard to measure ball catching ability.
I am eager to see how he will score on the WISC after this and Interactive metronome coming up in August. I plan on seeing a neurologist to have an evaluation to see what other areas we need to focus on after we work on these.
My son did phonographix (the book is reading reflex) and now has good phonemic awareness. I noted that the auditory percpetion exercises Rosner uses in his book had some pieces that reminded me of phonographix.
I have taken the tact of remediating one thing at a time. We started with fine motor years ago before I even understand all the areas of true deficit my son has.