I have a 17 yr old homeschooled daughter. I am glad we did the homeschooling because I believe she has done better than at our public school system here. My sister is a teacher and she told me to keep her at home. However, we are soo out of the loop. I took her in 18 months ago and had the district test her so she could get documentation of her LD. I got back all sorts of scores and a list of her deficets, ie memory, dyslexia, dysgraphia but at the end there was the question…does this child meet criteria for accomadations?? and the answer was no. (even though she listed her birthdate as 58 instead of 85 on the test!) they went on and suggested that she use her calculator exclusively (d’oh) and be given extra time. But when she went to go take an entrance exam at our community college, they disavowed her calculator, even after seeing the suggestions from the psychologist and school counselor. She needs to get her ged and yesterday, i was in tears. the test is just soo beyond her ability without some form of accomadation. So I don’t know where to go now..she doesn’t meet that magic number for criteria. we are blessed in that the community college here has been very supportive and she has taken some classes through there and done well. I think she might be able to stay in that system and get some help. I see her siblings succeeding in college and careers and it just makes me so sad that she has to struggle like this. As we all know..these kids are bright but they have to prove it over and over. Just had to vent…thanks
Your daughter is so lucky to have your support. I suspect that she will do fine with all of the help you are able to offer her. I would suggest getting private evaluations and a DX that will make her eligible for accomodations in college. I don’t trust the public school administrations testing. They are biased by the their not wanting to be required to provide services. I didn’t get DX in high school and dropped out my first year. I know getting a DX and accomodations made all the difference for me… between failure and graduating in the top 10% of my class. I love your comment about being bright but having to prove it over and over again.