I am not sure what to do. Our son is entering the 7th grade after attending private school. Diagnosed with LD and very low IQ. Still does not have his IEP done and I am afraid of him being given the wrong schedule. Any idea? Thanks. Missy
Re: entering school without IEP done
Did he have an IEP at his previous school? If so make sure that a copy gets to his new school before school begins.
Re: entering school without IEP done
Okay……..if the IEP was done within the last year, the goals, objectives, and
accommodations/modifications carry over. If the due date is close, you can
call the school and explain your situation. They will probably have the resource
teacher contact you to set one up. If the IEP is not due for awhile, you can ask
for a new one anyway to address issues and classes at his new school. Either
way, it is important to call the school and ask to have a new IEP set up. The
resource teacher(I’m assuming he is going to be in a resource or self-contained
class) has the IEP responsibility here.
Re: entering school without IEP done
So, because he’s new to public school, he probably doesn’t have an IEP. Odds are awfully good that he’ll get a wrong schedule that will need some changing. Are you thinking they’ll have him in a bunch of regular ed classes when he should be in a self-contained setting? I’d call whoever I had to & get that on the schedule and meet the teacher — basically figure out what the schedule will be before the computer spits it out. You may have better luck at the teacher level than the administrative level (and there are, unfortunately, a fair number of incompetent “guidance counselors” out there, so go during the week before school when the teachers are there to walk through the schedule — which is a good idea anyway). HOw is the day set up? (I know some schools have a totally arbitrary homeroom for a few mintues and then send you on your way; others tie it to the schedule so if he were in a sped class that’s where he’d start the day). Then when the computer spits out some outdated silliness, ignore it and get him to the right classroom (print one out on your own computer :-)). So the homeroom teacher will mark him absent… document everything in letters to the school
Re: entering school without IEP done
A lot of times parents assume that the school will know a child has an IEP. It is imperative that you contact the school, hand deliver a current IEP with the most recent psy. eval. I’m curious, if he has a low IQ, what did he qualilfy in? A descrepancy must exist between IQ and achievement to qualify for LD. If he indeed has the needed descrepancy and it is in reading, he will probably need a lot of time in resource, did he have resource in private school? Did they utilize the local public school?
Is he now going into a public school? How low is his IQ and is he LD due to a reading disability?