I saw you were on here, I have a question. Shelbie asked a while back about a student support team being the same as a 504, only Samantha answered her and made it sound like she was getting a lot. (posted on parent/adhd board)
She is not getting anything from the school, teachers not following the sst recommendations, she had asked about evaluations in the first place, the school convinced her to go this route of an sst, told her the minutes would count as a 504. She had already made written requests for school eval., now they are making her fill out paperwork again for evals. Really giving her the runaround.
I encouraged her to write here and ask you for help.
Can you keep an eye out?
student support team sounds like the preintervention type team to me. This is intervention before they go ahead and give her an IEP,or 504 etc. In my state they must show they have done some type of intervention. Amy,why don’t you just give this Shelbie my email? I will be happy to try and help:-)