I have been reading a lot about langauge dispraxia and Autsuim I am sure my daughter has one of them,
my question is is Dysplixia like Dyslixia when you have a normal IQ and don’t have a goble LD.
Austum I was wondering if you you have the same sypoms as Dyspixia but you have a lower IQ,
Does all that make sense,
I would love to be helped on my quodery
Sorry about my Spelling I’m dylixic myself,
Re: Can anyone help me
dyspraxia has to do with the brain mouth-fime motr control fo lips/tongue/etc for SPEECH, dyslexia: has to do with auditory burp- auditory discrimation/ phonemic awareness can you heard/distinguish he sounds-then connect them to code? good luck wth your kiddo.
Re: Can anyone help me
Hi Rose,
Thanks for the information
The reason I ask is that I know my Seven year old daughter has a all rond learning diffriulties she isn’t dylexic but has a moderate learning disability and developmentle delay. Having the Moderate learning disability is has an lower IQ but I like you belive she isn’t that IQ I think she has something else wrong ie Autium SPD/dysprixia that is why I was asking the question as she has a lot symtoms of dysprixia but I was wondering if her IQ came into it.
Re: Can anyone help me
My first questiontion… has your daughter’s ability to understand you been greater than her ability to verbalize? Apraxia is more of an outgoing problem, getting the message from the brain to the mouth. Autism usually is accompanied by central auditory pocessing disorder, getting the message to the brain from the ears. 2nd question… has your daughter had genetic testing? In my son’s class, some of the children have disorders I rarely hear the names of and know almost nothing about. 3rd question… does your daughter have any special areas of strength? Last questions… what kind of help has she had and how is her progress?
Re: Can anyone help me
Hi Okay,
To your first Questin yeah she has always understood what we have said to her from an early age, Her speech was late.
She has said to me that that she sometimes can’t hear what people are saying to her (her hearing is fine) I often has to repeat myself to her.
No she hasn’t been genetically tested I can see the fight I would have if i wanted that done in the UK
(my Son who by the ways is a normal 5 and a half year old carries the CF gene,(from he’s father) as you might know my daughter has a 50% chance of carring the same gene. my daughter had to have some blood tests and I asked if she could have a CF gene test I was told no, so I can she would never be able to have a genetic test.)
I know she has learing difficaulities in all school subjects no strengths but find english a little easier than math but not by much,as a person she hates change, acts a lot younger than her years strange thing is she is known as a smiler she is always smiling.
The school she is at knows of her learning problems and try and teach her to her level at the moment she is about 2 years behind in all subjects.
If you want to know anymore infomation just let me know.
Re: Can anyone help me
Who has evaluated your daughter? What do they say? Here in the states a pediatrician would make a referal to a developemental specialist who would order genetic testing. Perhaps she just has an unusual developmental profile that is uniquely her own or maybe there’s a genetic issue that would help you better understand her if you knew about. The fact that she has always understood you but had difficulty verbalizing things herself does sound more like apraxia than autism. The reason I keep coming back to the genetic issue is that from what little you’ve said about her, I’m reminded of those children in my son’s class that have a genetic disorder that I’d never heard of before and can’t remember the name of now. I’ll see if I can find out what it is. We may want to try to start another post so we don’t lose eachother.
I have had her to see a peditrition a few years ago peditrtion didn’t help said that she was a year behind then no name and gave it back to the school to sort out. School did nothing at the time.
We got the Moderate Learing disabilty when we had her tested for dyslixia as we thought she was dyslixic.
other than that I have been to the doctors they say not a lot really they see a tall friendily girl as she is always smiling and talking but she talks in halve sentances.
thanks for all this infomation,
Dispraxia is a speech and language issue. Dyslexia is a reading issue, in my case related to visual processing. Speech and language issues can also lead to reading issues. These are processing issues, not IQ issues. Autism is also related to processing and not IQ. You can have any number of processing issues without having a low IQ. Processing issues can prevent the results of an IQ test from accurately reflecting intelligence. There was no way to know how intelligent my autistic son was before he’d had a lot of speech, language and behavioral intervention. We now think he’s pretty darn smart. IQ testing probably still wouldn’t accuratly reflect his actual intelligence because of his processing issues. How old is your daughter and what do you see that is making you have these questions?