Hi Beth,
You posted not too long ago about angle poses your son was making with a stool and pillow. I am trying to figure out how to do this exercise with my kids. I don’t think I am doing it right. Can you explain again….I think I am having problems visualizing it (go figure!).
How long did you do this exercise? That is, how long does the child stay in this position and how many weeks or months do you continue doing it? I am assuming it was something you did daily. Is this an exercise from your neuronet therapist?
Thanks so much.
Thanks Beth
I printed that and will be doing it with my son. I had been trying to teach him to just do a head stand and he found it extremely difficult.
He said, “It is much harder to find my balance while on my head.” I guess it is a vestibular/ balance issue so once again he pegged it right away.
I will try again. I may just not be very good at this explaining bit!! And yes, it is an exercise from NN.
Think first that you are going to do a head stand. You want your head on the floor and your hands. It makes the most sense to have your head and hands make a triangle—less likely to fall.
x —head
0 0 –hands
Ok. Now that you have that picture I want you to add a small stool. The purpose of the stool is for the child to put their feet on it—making it easier to get into positions.
So now. Start by putting head on a pillow with hands toward feet in a triangle x . Put both feet on stool. Put one leg on one arm and foot off the stool while the other foot stays on stool. Stay in this position for ten seconds. Put foot back on stool and off arm and put other leg on other arm. Raise foot of leg on arm off stool while other foot stays on stool. Stay in this position for 10 seconds. Put foot back on stool. Put both legs on arms while feet are on stool. Now raise both feet off stool a few inches (not a lot) for 10 seconds.
We did this every day for two weeks. Now we are on next “level”.
Get in position with head and and hands on floor. Then start with arms on both legs and feet on stool for 10 seconds. Then raise feet off stool for 10 seconds (while legs remain on arms). Finally, put soles of feet together (while legs remain on arms) for 10 seconds.
Again, we will do this for two weeks. If you can follow this, I can post what the next step is, when I know.
I have a new appreciation of why directions are always so hard to follow!!