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legalities removal from gifted class to regular

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

My daughter,12yrs.old,7th grade is being “dropped” from gifted class to regular class after 5 years in gifted classes. She has ADHD and 504 plan. My daughter told me this today. She got her report card today as well. She brought all grades up for the semester but overall average was not 80. After all these years of grades worse and better I have never heard of this “80 average rule” until just 9 weeks ago. We have a general team meeting next week for follow up of last meeting but I have heard nothing about her being dropped from the gifted class, as of tomorrow!!! Is this considered a change of placement? Is this legal? I need some help fast. The gifted class is first period tommorrow morning and she told me she has been instructed to go to a regular class under a different teacher. If anyone can help me immediately please email me if possible. Thank you in advance.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 03/14/2001 - 5:00 AM


PASSWORD>aaI221mi7wL3II don’t know about the legalities but if I were you I would march into the office to find out what is going on. Is this a start of a new semester by chance?Did your daughter enjoy the gifted class or was she getting frustrated by it? I ask this because when I was your daughter’s age I was in the GATE program at my school. By that age I was SICK of it, I wanted to be one of the regular kids in school. I was tired of all the extra work and I asked to be taken out of the program. I don’t regret doing that, I was burned out and being in GATE took the fun out of school for me.Good luck!

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 03/14/2001 - 5:00 AM


: I find this remarkable and would go in to school with my daughter tomorrow to make sure she heard right. Whether it’s legal or not, I can’t say and if you want better help with that question, post it again on the Parenting an LD Child BB and the Teaching an LD Child BB. Those BBs get better traffic than this.I can say it’s inappropriate. It’s inappropriate to change a classroom placement without first speaking to parents. Parents deserve to be informed and consulted. I also hesitate to move any child mid-year. That policy, if it exists, is wrong. Children bond to their teacher and bond to their classmates. If a switch in required, it should be made at the end of the year and it should never be made without speaking to parents first.Good luck.My daughter,12yrs.old,7th grade is being “dropped” from
: gifted class to regular class after 5 years in gifted classes. She
: has ADHD and 504 plan. My daughter told me this today. She got her
: report card today as well. She brought all grades up for the
: semester but overall average was not 80. After all these years of
: grades worse and better I have never heard of this “80
: average rule” until just 9 weeks ago. We have a general team
: meeting next week for follow up of last meeting but I have heard
: nothing about her being dropped from the gifted class, as of
: tomorrow!!! Is this considered a change of placement? Is this
: legal? I need some help fast. The gifted class is first period
: tommorrow morning and she told me she has been instructed to go to
: a regular class under a different teacher. If anyone can help me
: immediately please email me if possible. Thank you in advance.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 03/14/2001 - 5:00 AM


If it is written in her current IEP that she is to receive placement in this type of setting then she should not be removed without your consent. However I seem to remember that if the change of placement is not more than 10 days than the parents consent is not needed. I have also taught a gifted class before and students had to maintain a certain grade average to be a part of the program or they were excluded. In Oklahoma were I teach the gifted students were evaluated every 3 years to see if they still qualified. I have even went to a workshop on how to tell a students parents that they were no longer considered gifted and how that can happen but it has been a long time since I taught that class. The main point to remember is that you have to agree about whats in the IEP so if this was written in her IEP I would point that out and ask why you were not consulted about the current situation.: My daughter,12yrs.old,7th grade is being “dropped” from
: gifted class to regular class after 5 years in gifted classes. She
: has ADHD and 504 plan. My daughter told me this today. She got her
: report card today as well. She brought all grades up for the
: semester but overall average was not 80. After all these years of
: grades worse and better I have never heard of this “80
: average rule” until just 9 weeks ago. We have a general team
: meeting next week for follow up of last meeting but I have heard
: nothing about her being dropped from the gifted class, as of
: tomorrow!!! Is this considered a change of placement? Is this
: legal? I need some help fast. The gifted class is first period
: tommorrow morning and she told me she has been instructed to go to
: a regular class under a different teacher. If anyone can help me
: immediately please email me if possible. Thank you in advance.

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