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Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Has anyone had their child diagnosed with this? At the age of 5 they went off of a diagnoses of his two older brothers who have A.D.H.D. and prescribed Ritilan, which helps a little,but to date no formal testing done and still fight to have testing done.Now the teacher is saying their might be comprehension problems. I heard a little of CADD, and I am pursuing a hearing test (the Dr. won’t allow him to see the actual ENT). He has been hosptialized as a toddler with various ear infections and ruptured ear drums.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 03/14/2001 - 5:00 AM


PASSWORD>aaI221mi7wL3I: Has anyone had their child diagnosed with this?YES, I have CAPD/ADD as does my daughter. There is a strong comorbidity between the two. A straight audiogram by an audiologist will not determine CAPD. They need to do various test with speech in background noise, etc.. Check out with a university that has a good speech and language program and see if they can help you. When my daughter was tested the insurance didn’t pay for it and it cost me approximately $300. My daughter is on meds and also uses an auditory trainer to help her with focusing and speech in background noise. The medication helped her immensely. With his history of ear infections he may also have either a conductive or sensorineural hearing impairment as well.sincerely, pattim

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