I suspect that my ADHD-Inattentive daughter may also have CAPD. She has many of the symptoms so I asked the child study team to provide testing by an audiologist. THey said they first want the SPeech Teacher to do a test called the TEst of Auditory Perceptual Skills. When the results came in it showed she did well and they said she didn’t need to see an audiologist.What do you think. Is it a waste of my money, since she did so well on the test or is the only true way to find out is by a trained audiologist. Money is tight and if you think that test was a good indicator, I won’t go any farther.Amber
Re: Testing for CAPD?
I’ve attached a URL from LDOnline that describes the testing necessary to determine CAPD.http://www.ldonline.org/ld_indepth/process_deficit/capd_paton.htmlGood luck.
Re: Testing for CAPD?
Should I have my son tested with a speech pathologist or an audiologist for auditory processing issues?
PASSWORD>aaI221mi7wL3IMy daughter aced the TAPS (test of auditory processing skills)..she still has CAPD….and is ADHD. I would go for the audiologists testing. You want things like a speech in background noise test, or something with competing words things that she has to filter out noise from speech. This will be a better indicator than the TAPS.