My son is getting ready for kindergarden.
The Head-Start preschool program he is in was wonderful with all the support & help.
Unfortunatly he is still having trouble in a classroom setting.
We have our hard times at home, but nothing like what happens during
the short time he is at school (7:30-11:30am)
Anger, throwing things, foul-language ect.
We met with the school he will be attending kindergarden and they are
trying to find funding for an extra aide in his class. They talked about
labeling him SED (severly emotionally disturbed) under a 504 plan because he if very smart and doesn’t qualify under the IEP.
I am looking for information about 504 plans and any advise from
parents who might have the same issues with your child.
The wonderful book The Bipolar Child has a whole section, I think, on IEP/education issues. It’s a new book, can’t remember authors.