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LD students in the regular classroom

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

As a regular ed teacher I am looking for suggestions to improve my teaching skills to help LD students in my keyboarding class. Any hints or suggestions on how to keep the LD students on task especially when teaching the keyboard would be appreciated.

Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 09/28/2002 - 1:27 AM


*Keep students as close to you as possible during instruction (preferential seating). Your proximity to these kids can really make a difference. Also, touching them on the shoulder or arm is also a great way to quickly and effectively direct them back on task.

*Employ reciprocal teaching techniques - tell (all) students you are going to randomly call on them to re-state or re-teach (briefly) parts of the lesson you are teaching-as you teach. This can be effectively done a few times during any given 45 minute lesson - I have found that kids attend better when there’s a chance they may be called on to repeat what you’ve said!

*Assign buddies that will help the LD student stay on task. The buddy needs to be willing and understand his/her role. It has been my experience that students LOVE helping each other -regardless of ability or disability.

*Check frequently for attending/understanding by asking “what did I just say”, or “in your own words, tell me what I just said means” (DON’T call on LD kids only - call on all kids). After teaching an important concept/skill/idea, have students turn to student on the right and re-teach to each other.

*Meet briefly with the LD student before class and positively voice your expectations to him/her. Tell him you really like him and want to help him pay attention better..that you will be doing this by watching him closely, touching his shoulder to remind him to pay attention, and occassionally asking him to repeat to the entire class very briefly what you might say through out the lesson. Also, ask the LD student if he has any ideas on how to improve his attending!

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