My son has several conditions which are contributing to his current academic struggles. We have tried to have him classified in the past but these conditions weren’t showing an impact on his performance. But this year he started a new school (Catholic school) and he has entered 5th grade and boy is he failing. So the local school district is going to assess him and hopefully classify him. I’m not sure which classification is appropriate. What do you think? He has ADHD-Inattentive, sensory integration difficulties, Central audio processing disorder and language deficits. The catholic school is already giving him speech, and doing some classroom modifications. If he is classified he will get supplemental help in a resource room 3 days a week. The only thing he can’t get is in class support.
My plan is that if he gets supplemental and still doesn’t do well in the catholic school, to change him to public school and get him in class support. So which classification would be more likely to get him in class support if we do need to switch him; Communication Impaired, Other Health Impaired, or whatever other classificaitons they have?
Re: Which classification is suitable for my son?
My son is 12 in 7th, he is add/inattentive and capd, classified under ohi. He previously was in resource for lang. arts and supplemental math, but is currently in all reg. classes with classroom support and modifications made on testing, homework if needed.Along with classroom accommodations.
My son 13 in 8th grade has all those same diagnosis, he is served under other health impaired. He is in a LD math, writing, and science class with all others being regular ed classes with tests read to him, and modified assignments. In grade school he got speech and direct LD support in the classroom. He did not make significant gains until he was in a smaller LD only class for reading, writing, and math. In theses classes they were able to better work on study strategies and organizational skills. Hope this helps.