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ADHD and interest in school

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I have a son who is in the seventh grade. He is bright and although he does not like to read, he has no real problems with reading. He also is good at math but he is impatient. He is very good at art and anything that he can do with his hands. Unfortunately, his parents are hopeless in the creative, craft-makiing aritistic realm.. We have always given him art classes.

He is simply not motivated to do school work. He is not interested. He is not competitive with others to do well. He is simply not motivated. I must push him to do basically every assignment. He fights me on this but he will do it after a fashion. He loves the social part of school or I would home school him in a second. He really wants to go to school.

DOes anyone know of any schools in the Maryland or Virginia, DC area that cater to the arts for middle and high school? I can not imagine how he will make it through school if we have to keep this constant pressure on for the next 5 years.

Any suggestions?


Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 01/11/2002 - 6:06 PM


There is a school in Wash. DC called The Lab School, I think, that uses art as the focus to do its teaching. I always recommend Peterson’s Guide To the Independent Schools. It lists ALL the private schools and has schools listed both by region and state as well as focus. You can find it in any good bookstore or library. You might also consider Friends’ Schools which tend to be smaller and also have a willingness to work with children who ‘hear the beat of their own drummer’. There’s one in Sandy Springs, Maryland and possibly one in Fairfax.

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