I am looking into obtaing the book by Dr. Stoll called The Omega 3 Connection. My son is struggling with focus, attention and learning issues. We have had some success with behavior mod. and brain gym. I am looking for an alternative to medication. Can omega 3 (such as coromega) be harmful to my 8 yo son? Has anyone had positive results with this? Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. The impact on our whole family has been tremendous. I am sure many of you can relate. Thanking you in advance.
Re: Omega 3 Connection
By omega 3s I’m guessing fish oil (or flax seed oil)? If so, they are not harmful. My daughter has a chronic illness and she along with many other children who have her disease take large qtys of omega 3s indefinitely. There are no harmful effects I know of. But if you are using pill form you want to make sure you use a good brand because the pills can go rancid and are then ineffective.
Re: Omega 3 Connection
I just had my son tested for the 3rd or 4th time. He tests for ADHD along with some anxiety and oppositional behavior. This counselor recommended flax seed oil (refrigerated type only and not in capsules) for the Omega 3 benefits. He also recommended effexor. He did not recommend stimulants although we have tried them on and off for a number of years. They work initially and then they don’t.
Anything “can” be harmful but I doubt Omega 3s are any more harmful than water. Check into other brain supplements such as L-Glutamic acid, Choline, B complex ect…