I was wondering has anyone tried a biomedical approach for their ADHD child. I’ve been doing a lot of research and wanted to know if there are any first had stories (successful or not) out there. Also, I’ve had a lot of success with the magnesium supplement. This week I start my trial of the magnesium and no Adderall. Will keep you posted on the results.
One more thing, if a child is tested as gifted/ ADHD— are they truly ADHD or just bored? I know my son is a little more “exuberant” for people who are very controlled but is that truly ADHD— his diaganosis says yes, but with the success i’ve had with the the magnesium (albiet he has been on 5mg of Adderall) i’m just wondering.— any thoughts to share?? trudy
Re: Biomed
Treatments that you could research are neurofeedback, cranial sacral therapy, and essential fatty acid nutritional supplements. Life most interventions, they are effective for some people to varying degrees, but not all.
Re: Biomed
I started giving my 8 yr old DD - 1 tsp of MOM (Milk of Magnesia - cherry flavor) each morning - IT DEFINITELY CALMS HER - I would gather to say that YES she’s deficient - in that if it seems to HELP her - then maybe she was deficient in that mineral in her body.
I also give her PEPTIZYDE - which allows her to have dairy products w/ out restriction. Back in Dec of last year we started on this journey and the first thing I did was pull her off dairy procuts - HER NEGATIVE BEHAVIOUR decreased w/in 3 wks of that..it was utterly amazing (no other medications or treatments were going on at the time)…….then I found PEPTIZYDE which is a capsule that allows her to have dairy products bec it gives her the enzyme that she needs to break down dairy proteins.
Loves :)
Re: Biomed
Thanks for the info—i did read about how B6 works with the magnesium. I haven’t started him on the B6 yet just the magnesium. Here is an update off the Adderall.
Day one of no Rx and just the magnesium was very successful. Our morning was great— he did very well in school according to his teacher, however, my son told me that it was a struggle for him to stay on task— he said he could feel his mind wandering. Homework time was ok— 1 dramatic episode during reading time.
Day two no Rx with just mag. — Morning was great again, but first half of school day was a struggle (still not as bad as before).
I noticed that the epsom salt have more noticible results than the oral mag. Maybe i’m not giving him enough— i’m giving him 1/2 teaspoon.—Will increase to 1 full teaspoon.
Re: Biomed
I couln’t find a mag. tablet that was just magnesium— also, my son has a hard time swallowing pills so i need something he can actually get down-any suggestions?
Re: Biomed
I am taking magnesium with zinc and it is fine…What about cutting a pill in half and putting it in pudding? Perhaps you can talk with a pharmacist who can make some easy to swalow small magnesium supplements for you? I know there are some pharamacies that do that kind of thing. Ask your doctor…
Re: Biomed
why not what I use - MOM - milk of magnesia (non stimulant as far as laxative)…..Lauren uses cherry flavor and accepts it OK..they have mint and chocolate as well……I use a plastic syringe and give her 1 tsp daily. Works wonderful!
Loves :)
Re: Biomed
I have been consulting with my son’s Dr. i was aware of the need for the calcium but not the zinc—thanks ill look into it— i also know that the addition of B6 is helpful in more effective use of the magnesium— so far my son has been more calm and controlled but still indicates a trouble w/ focusing. He goes back on the Adderall next week but i was wondering if anyone has any suggestion to help with the focusing issue. Thanks
I have been taking magnesium, B-complex, and calcium supplements and it has helped me too.
In regards to your question….one can be ADHD, gifted and bored at the same time. But what I have discovered is it doesn’t matter if you are a rocket scientist or a car mechanic the problem remains if you can’t follow through on things and finish them you have a problem with ADHD.