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ADHD evaluations

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I am new to this list but not new to many of the concerns shared by all. My son (9) has vision tracking/fusing issues, attention problems (at times), and speech/reading delays (but is functioning at grade level at present). His teachers had mentioned his lack of focus and attention at times so I would like to have him screeened for possible ADHD. My brother (now adult) had undiagnosed ADHD. Can anyone tell me what are the CPT or TOVA diagnositic tests and who would administer them? Also, does anyone have anecdotal info. on the effectiveness of Strattera? Thanks! Anna


Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 06/01/2003 - 10:53 PM


TOVA is a computerized test (I think the CPT is also and similar?). The test goes something like this.. ‘hit the X key when you see X’. It is painfully slow for people with attentional difficulties so they will hit the X key at inappropriate times (comissions) to make up for the times they missed (omissions) - something like this. The responses are compared to norms. CPT stands for continuous performance test - so I guess it’s something like sustained attention to a task. Neither are invasive, require academic skills, etc. - “easy” so nothing to be worried about.

Typically, pediatric neurologists (did my dd’s TOVA) and neuropsychologists (did dd’s CPT) administer.

You are smart to get this sorted. For some, the ADHD stands in the way of learning (affects dd most severely in school). OTOH, learning differences and LD’s have high comorbidity with ADHD. In our case, we didn’t find that many who could sort/distinguish between the two.

We haven’t tried Strattera but will in a few weeks when summer starts (4-6 weeks trial to find out whether it works or not). DD has been on Concerta - her learning differences started improving dramatically when we gave her the Concerta. Previously with just academic remediation, progress was slow.

GL on your journey!

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 06/02/2003 - 7:42 AM


click on the Search button and run a search with Strattera. There have been excellent detailed postings.

Have you had your child evaluated by a developmental or behavioral optometrist for the vision stuff? lists many.

I hesitate to discuss ADHD screening because ours was not straight-forward and others have a better scope on screening. But the norm is to include a rating of behaviors by teachers as well as parents.

I would certainly attck the vision problems at the first opportunity.

Good luck

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 06/03/2003 - 12:13 AM


The TOVA is one kind of CPT (continuous performance test), there are others, either computer software or self-contained units. They are more objective compared to behavior checklists. There is no one test for ADHD, so poor performance on the CPT can not be used to diagnose ADHD. CPT’s can also be helpful to gauge response to different dosages of medications. We had a dev. pediatrician use the CPT, but they do not take much training to administer- counselors, psychs. MD’s, etc. all might make use of them in their evals.

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