Need to know if anyone has used his teaching services and results
Re: You should probably post more information
yes, he wrote a book entitled ” Making the words stand still”. I understand that he has been teaching dyslexic children for 45 years. Presently works out of Orlando florida. I am interested in letting him teach my son but I do not have a bio on him.
Re: You should probably post more information
How about just asking him for references?
If you are in Orlando, you could try Read America. That is the clinic for phono-graphix which is highly effective for most kids.
There are a number of posts about it.
about where this person is located, website (if he has one), why you are interested, etc.
Anyone in the world can call himself a dyslexia specialist. Doesn’t mean a darn thing.
If you’re interested in dyslexia, you may want to join the DyslexiaSupport group at You can run searches on the archived posts there and find a lot of information about dyslexia, underlying causes, reading programs that work, academics, etc.