dd 8 can add/subtract, but ask her what 2 + 3 is and she doesn’t know. I heard that miquon was good for visual???
Re: opinions please on miquon math??
What do you mean? That she has the concepts but not the facts?
A friend of mine was helped immensely by helping her make the connection between the visual and the words for the numbers — starting with having both and then just covering up the “things” — but she could still imagine them there. Sometimes having the kiddo close her eyes and imagine it helps.
Often there’s a problem with bigger numbers until they figure out (or are taught) that a huge number like 7 which is too big to picture all at once is really 4 and 3.
Miquon is a wonderful “discovery” approach to math that is great for developing concepts, and it would be a wonderful program for an 8yo. However, it might not solve the math facts problem you are describing. For that, I would recommend Math Facts the Fun Way at http://www.citycreek.com, followed up by Quarter Mile Math (http://www.thequartermile.com).