Hey there,
I am a recent graduate who has finally found her calling! I want to study and work with social skills deficits in students who have learning disabilities but I am unsure of what steps to take. Which degrees will allow me to do research and counseling? Which schools have these programs? Any help that anyone could offer me would be great! Thanks!
Re: Advice about the field
Your timing is good. I believe this area is an emerging specialty. I have no advice for you except to contact your local university. Good luck!
Re: Advice about the field
I have an MA. in counseling and worked in high schools with at risk students. My take is this: school psychologist work primarily with identified LD kids or administer psychological evals for students having academic difficulties. Spec.Ed teachers seem to have more hands on time with the students. Some states and districts have behavioral specialist that deal with academic, social and emotional aspects. Requirements and job descriptions vary greatly from state to state. It has a great job outlook, but is emotionally draining because of the population you are dealing with.
Re: Advice about the field
I am a school social worker and I love my job. I do counseling with Specail Education students and other at-risk students.I have a MA in Clinical Social Work nad have certifications in social owrk and school social work, as is the requirement in NY. Good luck!
You could always check out School Psychologist… or something related.