There is a great need in our community to provide social skill development intruction/program for children age 7 to 12. I would like to find a program that can be implimented though our community centre as an after school program either in conjunction with proffessionals or with parents of children. Can anyone recommend a program that is “packaged” and can be bought or used in this setting or that can be implimented in a community? Your addvise and imput would be great. Thanks.
Re: Social Skills Program to Impliment
I’m also interested in Collage and am also on the search for a social skills class in my area and not having any luck. If I could get an already tested program maybe I could get it implimented in my sons school. He is almost 10 and prefers to play alone. thanks in advance for any info
Try getting in touch with Collage - a group based in Newtown Square, PA. They have a great social skills program and it might be packaged by now.