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Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

What do your students and/or children with disabilities do for their recreation. Is it easy to get them involved. What about high school aged kids. What do they do for socialization and recreation?

Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 10/26/2002 - 12:51 PM



(1) Look at starting a social gang for high school aged kids

(2) Let them take the lead in starting a hobby group like stamp collection, model railroading, or soccer for fun: no losers or winners.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 10/30/2002 - 4:21 PM


You should really focus on things that normal children would do. You could get the children involved in buddy programs such as Big Brother/Big Sister. You might could even get up high school students to volunteer to mentor some of the children. For recreation, the students could go as a group to sporting events such as football, basketball, or baseball games. You could try to have a meeting with the parents to ask for volunteers to take the children to different games. The students going together offers moral support for each other. The parents might also have some good ideas as to what their children might like to do. The goal is to find things that the children enjoy and that does not make them feel uncomforterable.

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