I’m a BA student at New College of California and I am seeking help with my senior thesis project. I am trying to put together a workshop type program for middle school age students that will help them understand their peers with LD.
I am a LD adult and have worked as a Resource Aide in the middle school setting for 6 years. We help LD students to understand their learning difference and ways to use their strength and give them tools to accommodated their weaknesses. After this ground work is layed with the LD students, I see a need to educated the general ed population and help build community in the school that will accept the concept of, difference is good, and eveyone has a place that is valued. The hope is that I can put together a workshop aimed at middle school general ed students that will help create an understanding of this concept.
I’m looking for any and all resouces that you think might help me complete my project. Programs that might already exist, your personal storys or ideal, suggested books and or videos. I would greatly appreciate anything you would like to offer.
Thank you
Libby Still-Hanline
High on your list of videos should be Richard Lavoie’s “FAT City” and “Last Picked, First Picked On”. I recommend an article published in Perspectives, the Orton Dyslexia Society newsletter dated Spring 1994, “Social and Emotional Problems Related to Dyslexia” by Michael Ryan, PhD. I have heard of some good programs to monitor and guide students on the playground or at lunch time - a time when teachers often do not see the social difficulties students are having.