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Help to organize

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I have a son going to College in September. His organizational skills are terrible. He fogets when assignments are due. His binder’s are a mess. I am worried he will have problems at College. Does anyone have idea’s that has worked for them.

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 01/24/2002 - 5:02 PM



I graduated from college last year and am LD (probably NLD). One of my MAJOR weaknesses was and still is organization. For me, the best part of college was that I only had 4 classes instead of the requisite 7 of high school, AND we didn’t have each class every day. That helped me tremendously with organization and time to complete assignments. I went to a small, liberal arts college (wonderful environment, makes it easier to get noticed and the professors aren’t as harried most of the time) Plus, if you live on campus, and have forgotten something, you might have time to run back and get it during break, or before your next class (something that definitely saved me on a number of occasions).

A calendar and/or palm pilot may help with deadlines (I’ve tried using a palm, unfortunately it only works when you remember to put your appointments in it! But I’m still doing better with it than paper and pencil; the papers used to just get lost!).

Oh, and my room is STILL a mess, I STILL drive myself crazy not being able to find certain papers, etc. I’m getting slowly better, but it’s taking a LONG time. But the reduced courseload and spacing of the classes really helped me at college.

Good luck to your son!


Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 02/03/2002 - 6:53 PM


I have adhd (not found until graduate school) and did make it through college and graduate school. One of the things that helped was a lower courseload and not working. Not working was hard financially but it gave me more time to study. Some people find working forces them to be more organized. I would recommend a smaller school (if possible) , small classes when possible, and going to the LD office. They can provide help there. A peer tutor would be great, or asking the teacher for a peer tutor in difficult classes. Tape recording might help if notes become disorganized or if losing attention is a problem. What exactly are his probelms with organizing?

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 02/04/2002 - 5:35 PM


My sons problems are basic organizational skills.
He has a calender for school to write assignments in, but after the first week he has lost it . So he write assignments on paper of course he can’t find it. Therefore assignments are handed in late.
His binders start off organized then you notice loose paper in his bag on the table.. When he is ready to study he can’t find most of his notes. I have tried to help and it goes well for a while and then back to square one.
I am trying to figure out a method that will work to keep him organized with all above problems.Someone told me to colour code paper and binders????
The University he will be going to is small. He will only have 4 courses each semester and he will not be working.

I have thought of the palm but not sure if he would use it . He has a tape recodrer to tape lectures.

He has a lap top computer and I was also thinking of a program that could be used to organize him eg calender , to do lists. Do you know of any ?
I am looking for any help that has worked for others . If you can think of any other ways that has helped you please let me know

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 02/04/2002 - 5:48 PM


Don’t toss out every method that doesn’t work the first time — like that planner he lost. Work on developing a habit like weekly or even daily sorting through things — and that will probably require somebody to “coach” him through it, or like me he’ll forget to do it or put it off.

He’s just as likely to lose the palm as a planner. I’m thinking of using getting a palm as a motivator — if I can keep my calendar/planner updated for six weeks, I’ll think about getting a palm.

Here’s a low-tech palm pilot that sometimes works for me — I
use the word processor to make a weekly and monthly calendar. I print out the weekly one at the beginning of the week.just a simple one on a piece of paper. I put the stuff happening onto the computer when I’m there— that way I never *have* to keep track of the thing for more than a day, I just print out a new one. Re-entering the data helps remember the stuff, too; also seeing it in terms of the week and in terms of a month. I try to break down projects and put the pieces on the calendar too — and right now I gotta get those three chapters of comprhension exercises done ‘cause that was today’s goal and I don’t want to be up late meeting it :)

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 02/04/2002 - 5:52 PM


I would start by sitting down with him to figure out what he thinks will help. I have papers papers everywhere and people think that means I am disorganized but actually I know where everything is and as soon as I file stuff I can’t find it. Have you tried folders as opposed to binders. Binders entails punching holes or at least opening it and putting stuff in. Too much effort for me. But a folder, you can just open it and put stuff in there. DIfferent color folders for different subjects. Have a spot to keep the folders, say, the bookbag in case stuff doesn’t make it into the folder, at least its in the bookbag, it can find its way there to the folder later. TO be honest, anything anyone else makes to organize stuff irritates me, it is too structured, frustrates me and I stop using it. That stuff isn’t made with the ADHD type person in mind. It is made for people who think very linearly and in order, we don’t. At his age I really think you may be helping him too much? I know others have done that to me and they mean well but I had to flop on my face before I came up with my own system.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 02/06/2002 - 8:38 PM


The first thing I would do is have your son find out where the Office for Students with Disabilities is located on his campus. He will probably need to have a “coach” work with him and find out what he needs. The “coach” could probably give him some good strategies to get started on and meet with him regularly to ensure he’s following through. After they have worked for a semester or two the “coach” could start letting him become more independent yet still be there for support. Good Luck.

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 02/21/2002 - 3:03 AM


Could you give me more information on outlook or PIM program or where I could get more information.
Thanks Jen

Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 02/24/2002 - 6:26 PM


Thanks for the help. I looked at his computer and sure enough he has microsoft outlook. It looks complicated to set up but we will see.

Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 03/16/2002 - 4:51 PM



My son uses the Homework Organizer and Guide by Get Organized. I can fax you a sheet or two to show you. It really has helped. They have a website but I cannot find the address for it.


Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 03/23/2002 - 2:55 AM


I would love to get more information on the method he uses. Unfortunely I do not have a fax machine.
If you do find the web site please let me know

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