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Story/Presentation Ideas

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I am going to present a piece entitled “On Being a Learning Disabled Honors Student” at the Western Regional Honors Council Conference held at Arizona State University. This is a fairly large forum for college honors students to present ideas, posters, etc. I have always felt a certain responsibility to explain to those who dont understand what living with a learning disability is like. I am dyslexic and ADD (also a Presidential Scholar at Chapman University). I am the only person presenting on such a topic and was wondering if anyone wanted to add a personal explanation of what it means to be an learning disabled student/parent of learning disabled student. Please, all ideas/suggestions are welcome.

Tyler M.
[email protected]
Chapman University

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 05/23/2002 - 1:13 AM



First of all, congratulations on your accomplishments. I think this sounds like a great presentation you are doing and I would be interested in receiving a copy/transcript of it when you are done, if possible.

I have a 9 year old gifted LD daughter who,with the help of assistive technology, is making outstanding progress. I am always reading inspiring stories to her and would like to have to have a copy of your presentation to share.

She has dyslexia, add and processing delays and yet has a determination that is unbelieveable. I’m sorry I don’t have a lot to add to your presentation as far as content, but I know with the right intervention and support these kids can surpass all our expectations.

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