Have you ever noticed that LD students, particularly those with ADHD have no concept of time: how long something should take, how long ago something happened, how long they have been doing something, when to start or stop working? I have come up with two time-management programs that really work to structure students and teach time management/awareness. I field tested it on my own son and now in my classroom. One student (with unmedicated ADHD) who could not complete two written sentences in English class in 20 minutes, has doubled his classwork production. Check out the programs, G. Whiz… I Finished My Homework and G. Whiz… I Finished My Assignment on my website www.gwhizresources.com.
Re: Time Management and Homework/Assignment Completion
Thanks. but do you think that this time thing is more a symptom of something else?
Re: Time Management and Homework/Assignment Completion
I remember a time when I worked at learning how long certain things took. For example, I timed how long it would take to walk a few blocks. I had had no idea.
When I was a child and totally overwhelmed by having to wash the dishes, my father said that he would show me how quickly they could be done. I don’t recall if he actually timed the task, but after that washing dishes was never as overwhelming.
Sometimes when I would get totally overwhelmed by a task, I would set a timer for a certain amount of time (e.g., ten minutes) and see what I could get done in that amount of time. Knowing that I’d only have to do the task for ten minutes before stopping, would help me to begin to work on a difficult task. I then might do another short segment of time and then another. Since I have a tendency to get very anxious when I do certain tasks, this would help to reduce the anxiety, to some extent.
Will go to your website. Homework can take so long, & my 11 yr old son has no concept of how long an assignment takes or should take.
many thanks.