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shared and guided reading

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Does anybody out there have any experiences with the Literacy Block model and LD kids. How do they cope in the sessions with guided and shared reading with their peers?

Is this a model that can be adapted to LD sessions?


Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 12/27/2002 - 12:30 AM


Well, my personal opinion is that peer teaching a bad move for most kids and a disaster for most LD kids. First we say that teachers need a four-year degree and Praxis tests and a certificate and practice teaching before they can even dare to walk into a classroom to teach reading or math, and even then the general level of reading and math instruction is not up to the standards we want; then we shunt the instructiuon off to another elementary school kid who is only marginally better than the victim, er, student. How is it that a sixth-grader who is not reading up to grade level him or herself is the ideal teacher for some other elementary school kid, when the supposed professionals aren’t succeeding in teaching? (And the same twice over for math). Most often, the leading kid teaches his/her own misconceptions, shorcuts, coping mecahnisms, and cheats. Or shows off, or teaches new ways of wasting time. The other child may learn all these inefficient and counterproductive approaches, or may become hopelessly confused.

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