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Ball rules

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I love it when someone calls a spade a spade. Keep the Ball rolling. Tell it like it is!!!

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 04/25/2002 - 6:50 PM


Thanks Stu, I do what I can. I think my ravings about VR is really doing VR a favor. I’m surprised somebody hasn’t gone postal on them. I hope that never happens but I do think they’re skating on thin ice. Fight the good fight. Christians believe that the person that you help who is down and out may really be Jesus Christ in disguise. Wouldn’t that be a trip? So on judgement day all that they do gets counted. I’m afraid that the VR ilk is not going to fair all that well. Look at all the opportunities they blow. Then again maybe the whole god thing is crap and what they do matters not. But then again, ya never know. You gotta wonder sometimes. It seems that the very institutions that are supossed to help often do the most harm and are rarely questioned, such as the Catholic church. I wonder how many boys who have been queered by priests have LA ADD ADHD PTSD OCD and the rest of the alphabet soup of disorders. A lot of things need reforming my pet peeve just happens to be VR.I think the answer is simple to the question; why does VR suck? It sucks because we allow it to suck.

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 05/06/2002 - 9:28 PM


Hi BALL, Thank You for voicing your thoughts, I just got finished typing a long explaination of garble an lost it, I have filed two Complaints with the ACLU regardiding Judicial Misconduct and my fears of the future which have come true I am going batty and have not completed a third complaint which is what I have been attempting to compose for qutie sometime now, as you all surely understnd yet no others due. Thank You Ball, I have the Paper work for the ADA Title I, II, and III and Complaints for the Justice System. Who are these Lawyers you speak of? I’ve spent what money I had from Pay outs of the MVAs and am now living hand to foot. My Medical Doctors all support a Medial Exposure but I am So Brain Dead I can not complete anything the files are thousands of pages and all I do is ramble. By the way I had also hired a Federal Specialist Lawyer and paid him $2,500 onto of the $5,500 for the appeals Lawyer yet the appeals lawyer never AMICUS something “Legally inviting” him to work on the case yet continued phone and mail confereces up, also my New Jersey ADA Lawyer could not help me as the letter he sent he accepting her to work on the case was not legally acceptable, you have no Idea what I am rambling about, The first Lawyer took over $15,000.00 and was contracted as Sole Council due to his expertiece as stipulated on the original contract, yet showed up to court in the first few months then with the Judge shuffle he was detained in other matters in Northern Penns and sent a Intern a Lawyer who had only handled Motor Vehicle Tickes and Cases before. This man told myself, family and the court he was “Not the trial Lawyer, but a fillin for Mr. “, this is on the transcripts the Judge has refused to release. I have attempted legal manuvers and have been shot down, I become sucludded and Hermitize myself in fear of being reconized. I am not a wealthly, famous person but, I have become well known in the areas I live or frequent, I am a Catalist, an Avocate or as other like to refer “a big mouth, you need to learn how to keep your mouth shut”, theres a story to that line. It’s a pity party One, Two, Three AAAWWWW. I get frustrated, upset and bannanas Ball, I need Intervention, Maybe I do need Media Intervention but I am afraid, I have been afraid to say anything on the Net, I fear reprisal, time will tell . Well this is nothing like the one that was deleted so before this one disappears I again say Thank You for yous Support and encouraging words, the Hermit is going to stretch her body and get some more Coffee. LATER BALL, LISA

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 05/07/2002 - 11:46 PM


Ya gotta chill. Sometime it’s important to know hwo to cut your losses. We get screwed all the time by punks like that scumbag judge you speak of. Personally I’d fight dirty if I were you. Hire a hooker to seduce the judge and put the pictures up all over town. Lawyers are pig vomit for the most part. Maybe the creep is a pedophile or a drunk or a wife beater. Ya gotta be careful when you screw with those types. They’re like the Mafia. They’re dangerous. Realistically, just go on with your life as best you can because that judge and those lawyers are gonna burn in Hell. I hope that gives you some comfort. Hey what do you call 10,000 dead lawyers? A good start. Don’t do anything stupid. If you play by the rules you will lose.

Gloria Allred is a feminist lawyer. Jerry Spence sued the federal govt on behalf of Randy Weaver. The FBI slaghtered his family at Ruby Ridge. Jeff Figer and Allen Dershowitz are also famous lawyers. Call 60 minutes, Geraldo, local paper TV anybody who’ll listen.

Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 05/12/2002 - 8:12 PM


WWW.GERRYSPENCE.COM Check it out Lisa. Maybe they can refer you to a non weasel lawyer.

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 05/13/2002 - 4:38 PM


I know people who work for VESID. They admit it’s a scam. Rave on Ball!!!!!!!!!!

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 05/16/2002 - 11:22 PM


Gerry Spence Said he could not help me, the Common Wealth of Pennsylvaina is completly different than any other state where Law is common. I’m still at a stale mate, I think the Media route may be the only way, then maybe a Lawyer or Firm would want to Help. I’m chilled a little, the problem with Dementia is I never get anything completed, continuolsly.


Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 06/15/2002 - 5:40 PM


Hey Stu Who do you know that “works” for vesid? lol

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