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The non LD people vs LD people

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on


I have been thinking how to increase LD pride and our self-esteem, because the feeling I have is the non LD folks think we are pushovers and “easy marks”. My feeling is that we have delt with adversity all our lives. Weather it is being chosen last for the baseball team in grammer school, to eating lunch alone in the high school cafeteria, or being rejected for employment when one goes on a job interview and the list goes on: dating, marriage and just fighting for self respect, it can be draining to one’s psych. However, these are things a non LDer will never understand nor I hope for their sake, they will never be in a position where their IQ is knocked down 50 points or 100 or so. I do not feel a former “Yale material” person could take the depression that comes with this territory. We should have pride in ourselves that we defeated the best adversity threw at us, and the victory is being here and spiting our challenges. Maybe one day, we can look forward to an autonomus territory where LD people will feel safe from persecution like so many other groups have had a safe territory where they can retreat to in times of crises. We have our own flag, national pride and currency where all people who want employment will be asked only some questions: Can you do this job ? and Are you dependable ?

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 07/16/2002 - 12:37 AM


Yes. LD people need more pride in themselves. We shall overcome the difficulties in life sooner or later. We need our George Washington or Moses to lead our people to a better tomorrow.

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 07/16/2002 - 4:09 AM


As you can tell by my posts I have a lot of hostility towards the people who get paid by pretending to help the disabled. I don’t limit my hostility to them. Just the other day I had a punk make fun of me because I was having trouble learning an operation on the computer. I had to punk him out with the threat of violence. He was a chicken-sh*t weasel and he backed down in an instant. If he had persisted it would have gotten physical and he would have ended up in the hospital in a coma. We should not accept ridicule from anyone. My one small act may have prevented him from being a jerk to anyone else and it served notice to anyone else in that class to watch their step. I would not hesitate to beat the crap out of the next punk. It’s about respect and a healthy dose of fear. Accept no disrespect from anyone. I try not to be a prideful person. I think self essteem is is a better word than pride. If someone try to put some sort of loser lable on me they’d better be prepared for a old fashioned down home ass whoopin.

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