Hey! Thank YOU! Wow,believe it or not this was my problem. May god always make things such as this to trip me all up:-)Yes,Yes,I am an LD adult.Now visualize my fingers in my ears,chanting la,la,la,la,la,because I don’t WANT to hear it!@!
Seriously thank YOU lil:-)
Re: Hallelujah!!! Lil:-)))))
ahhhhh,an adhder?:-) well my friend you just keep pushing them… Again THANKS!
Re: Hallelujah!!! Lil:-)))))
After going through several diagnoses for my son, I think I’m more of an NLDer, my husband is the ADHDer, and possibly CAPDer. Poor kid got it from both sides - and managed to get everything! We’ve learned a lot on this journey …
Re: Hallelujah!!! Lil:-)))))
Yup. I’m dyslexic,probably ADD,my husband is ADD,and we have two boys,ADHD/LD. I definitely have learned to laugh at myself.
You are very welcome. This confused me a lot at first, but I’ve always been a “push the buttons and see what happens” kind of person, so my curiosity finally got the better of me, and figured it out for me! :)