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Time to Find Out

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

After quitting my job before they fire me for not listening. (I do listen as hard as I can but I still get it wrong) Ive decided that I need to look into the possibility that I may have something going on. All through School my reports said ‘must concentrate’, ‘Could do better’ If I am relaxed and talking to someone one to one, Im fine I can understand everything. If im in a group of people ,in a club or at a bar, I am usually quiet , Its not that im shy or anti-social its just that I cannot understand anything people are saying to me because there is too much noise and distractions.I have a tendancy to withdraw and daydream in these situations which often make people wonder what planet im on but its just a defence and a way of entertaining myself when i cant understand what anyone is saying. And it just becomes easier to avoid getting in a conversation because it is tireing for me and the person who is talking to me. I only heard of CAPD a few years ago. But have always had a suspicion that there may be a problem. Because I know im not stupid but I cant always convince other people like my Boss who just thinks I dont listen. I really want to start dealing with this but have no Idea where to start. I live in Orlando and Im hoping that maybe there is someone else around that might be able to point me in the right direction.

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 12/12/2002 - 2:03 AM


I live in Tampa. email me and I can get you some names.My youngest son is CAPD.

Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 01/04/2003 - 3:08 PM


Please tell me what CAPD is and what information you find out. I understand the struggle that you are having and always thought that it was just a lack of concentration on my part. I too do ok, most of the time, one-on-one, but I can be looking at a person standing right in front of me in a large group and hear sounds coming out of their mouth but not be able to understand most of what they say. Thanks.

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 01/09/2003 - 5:33 AM


ok her it is , iv been reading all the mesage and i came to this ,we are not stupid people im good at alot of thing to but what we all have in comin is concentration for some reason are brains . have trouble taking in imformation some time, for me its when some one tells me some thing… today at work
my boss told me to bring somthing to him there were two of them ,so i had to ask him wich one ,he said i just told you .i said i did not hear you . so i felt stupid, that stuff happends all the time i would be all right if i keep focused on thing

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