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Newly diagnosed

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on


I am having trouble with my job they are aware I am under a doctors care and diagnosed with adhd. But i keep getting warnings and possible termination. Is there anything i can do to prevent this. I am starting concerta this morning.

Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 11/03/2002 - 3:05 AM


Has the Concerta helped at all? Have you noticed any changes? I started at a fairly low dosage of Concerta (18 mg) and noticed a difference immediately. They upped it to 36 mg after a week. That helped even more. It was raised to 54 mg about a month later and that is where I am now. It has helped amazingly well. Check out the Americans With Disabilities Act to see if your employer can terminate you or not.

Good Luck!


Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 11/03/2002 - 3:11 AM



Not sure if there is anything at this point. Call an attorney for those with disabilities. Call CHADD, Children and Adults with Attention Def. Dis..
Ask them for help and check out their web site at

If your boss is sympathetic ask for some extra time for the medication to start helping. It may or may not….depends ..also depends on if this is really a good jjob for you

Read lots of books. There are tons of ADHD books at the library. Ask the librarian about ordering them from another library if they aren’t at yours.

Go to check out all the books, order their catalog !!

Call the United Way for help. You may get some protection under the people with disabilities act. Check that out thru CHADD or call you local disabilites office.

I wish there where more sites about this problem that a lot of ADHD people have. Maybe we can get to put something on that site.

Be sure to have your disability documented by a doctor, psychologist or your MFT therapist. You do have a therapist don’t you? It won’t cure ADHD but can give you a ton of the support you need, at least for a while.

Try to find someone who knows about it. Down load articels and suggest web sites if they dont’. If you like the person well, they will be able to work with you and will be willing to be educated and work with you.

There are a couple of good books about ADD on the Job. That is one of the titles. By Lynn …..Cant think of her name, but she is on the addwarehouse site.
There is another one too.

Some site. offers used books. that is a way to save money.
BUT.. if you can afford it, order thru you local independent book store. They are like the free press and are an important resource to keep alive in any community.

Good luck and let me know what happens and what you have found out. Also feel free to email me about how things are going with the counseling.

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 11/05/2002 - 2:31 AM


You have an advocate group in your state that handles this situation: Civil Rights Protection and Advocacy… The ADA organization that deals with the 504 law. Go on line and look for your local office. Read about the ADA laws… the 504 law…..

Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 11/10/2002 - 3:47 PM


You may have to call an attorney to know your rights. Many private employers only care if you do the job well and the law tends to allow most private employers today to do what they want (not what you want); some jobs with the Federal Government (State Government etc.) may offer a little more protection.

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