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adult with adhd :)

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Hi. I’m new to the site. Nice place you’ve got here.

I’m a self-diagnosed ADHD 27yo female. I realized that I might have ADHD when I started graduate school last year. I was having a very hard time concentrating long enough to learn anything in classes. Taking exams was an absolute joke. Even though I studied, I had absolutely no hope of finishing even 80% of the exam in the time given. Undergrad was so easy to me that I never really had to put any effort into it at all. I began reading on the web about what might be my freaking problem and finally decided on ADHD. It seemed to fit perfectly and explained a lot of the problems I had had in my life — disorganization, saying whatever was on my mind, trouble with authority, impulsivity (I’ve got the debt to prove it!), etc. You know the symptoms.

Long story short, I went to a neurologist who sent me to a neuropsychologist who, after administering some IQ-type tests, determined that I didn’t have ADD, but I was in fact OCD and had some sort of anxiety disorder. He based this on the fact that I did well on the tests and didn’t seem to have an inability to concentrate. He neglected to consider the whole hyperfocus side of ADHD — I’ve always loved doing those types of tests and often do them for fun. Why would I be unable to concentrate on something I enjoy? I still have no idea where the OCD and anxiety came from.

Even without the diagnosis, my neurologist also believed I had ADHD, so he prescribed Ritalin. I began taking it and could tell a bit of a difference, but I got hives and that was that. I’m allergic. Next I tried Adderall. I’m up to 10mg 2x/day. It doesn’t seem to be working. I’m not noticing much benefit to it at all. Plus, I have a really hard time remembering that second dose.

In your experience, how long does it take for a person to work up to the correct dosage for ADHD drugs? Understandably, my doc is increasing the dosage very slowly. But I’m getting very frustrated with it not working and am wondering if I should even bother.

What other drugs, besides Adderall and Ritalin, do you guys have experience with actually being beneficial for ADHD adults?

Has anyone tried Strattera yet?


Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 02/12/2003 - 5:55 AM


I take 20 mg of adderall once daily. I noticed an immediate difference, as I did when I took ritalin and an adolesent. Some people dont respond to ritalin or adderall at all and other drugs can be used effictivly.(antidepressents and other stimulants)

Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 02/14/2003 - 2:02 PM


i also take adderall (but i take 20mg TWICE a day). but i totally feel your pain and frustration because it take like weeks and weeks to get up to this dosage. my doctor told me that everyone reacts differently to meds and some people take one kind, while some have to take another. but all in all, the reason its so frustrating is because it takes so long to figure out which med is for you AND then what your right dosage is because apparently you can only increase dosage by very little incriments at a time over weeks. while i was at 5mg, and then 10mg, etc i felt nothing and was so wanting “instant relief” and so i was debating whether adderral maybe wasnt for me, or was i just not at the right dosage yet? because i had heard that if its working for you, you will feel the difference. i guess i was looking for some drastic difference or magic pills and so i didnt see anything. but eventually, as i got into higher dosages (my doctor says that 40 mgs total a day, which is 20mg twice a day, is as high as you should go), i actually started to feel like i was concentrating better and staying focus on my homework and reading. i might still get distracted if there was a noise now and then, but overall, i was less tempted to listen in to every little conversation around me or procrastinate by putting the books down.

hope this helps

Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 02/14/2003 - 7:51 PM


Hi Steph, my name is Shad, I am a 31yr. old married man with no children and 2 great mutts. I was diagnosed with ADD/Inattention Type about 2 years ago. I really understand your feelings and want you to know I am pulling for ya! :)

I read your post with inteest Steph. I understand your frustrations and anger at medication issues. It’s strange your doctor found symptoms of OCD and anxiety but failed to pick up on your apparent ADHD. I went to a socioligist for an initial assessment of ADD/ADHD and he also tagged me with OCD, but interestingly, he said there were signs of Mild Depression.

My put in all of this is that sometimes it’s best to get a second opinion. I got a second opinion with a Pyschologist and never looked back myself. He confirmed the ADD right away but after a couple of more meetings saw no signs of Depression at all. (He did peg me with OCD which I agree with as I have several apparent things that I do which are considered to be common) I would get a second opinion Steph. Seriously, it’s your life, and you deserve the best treatment, advice, and support that you can find.

About the medication; Keep with it! It is a long hard road but you will find that almost without even noticing, that you will become better over time. Focus will improve, impulsiveness will slow, and things will become as they should and a brand-new more in-control person will emerge from within, that will take control! :) I would suggest that you try Wellbutrin. It was suggested to me initianally by my second opinion doc as it is used to help control ADD as well as OCD. I have found that OCD seems to be a common trait amongst our types so your doc is probrobly right about that. :)

It’s done magic for me! My wife, family, and co-workers notice it and comment on it, which tells me it’s helping. I am at about 250mg a day in a single release form. I have had no side-affects of any type. I know that everyone is different so your mileage may vary. Keep the faith….

Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 02/16/2003 - 3:31 PM


Thanks for the replies. And, Shad, you’re right. I was talking to a friend the other day about getting a second opinion. He seems to think that, even though my neurologist is willing to treat me as ADD, it would help me tremendously to get the actual diagnosis from a psychologist. So, I’m going to try to find a decent psychologist in my area (Orlando). I’ve looked around, but have been unable to find anyone who is experienced in adult ADD. Does anyone where I can go to look one up? Any recommendations?

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 02/18/2003 - 2:03 AM



I have not “officially” been diagnosed with ADD, however, my son has. I am currently being treated by my family doctor, and based on my son’s diagnosis by a psychologist, my childhood experiences, and a history of what sounds like ADD in my family, he prescribed a combination of Concerta and Effexor. I have tried Adderall, but did not feel right on it. I have been taking this combo for the past year and a half and it does seem to help. However, I still have an occasional day or period of days when it does not seem to be working. For the most part, I have been doing well. I just started graduate school last Fall and I got through with two A’s and a B. It was a struggle, but I guess that is to be expected even if I didn’t have ADD.

Good Luck, there are other medications and combinations out there that may help.


Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 02/22/2003 - 1:35 AM


I went on here searching for help, and I discovered, a person who has my same name with pratically the same problem. I myself am struggling in graduate school. today i received my B in the mail from an intense weekend course. I was mad has hell because i though i deserved and A. I studied more than I ever had in college and i discovered i only made a b because of the whole TIME thing. I couldnt finish the paper she gave after our final exam and short answer questions. Oh, and i also recently started to take ritalin, thought there was a slight difference, then was put on adderall……i ended up having a Panic Attack bfore my midterm on the way home from class. I also have problems remebering to take it or if i did then maybe taking it again not remebering. But i have found myself being very aggrivated super fast. If you find out anything, id appreciate if you could let me know. Sorry fo the long sob story, just felt you could relate. „„„Stephanie

Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 02/28/2003 - 2:18 AM



I am an adult with ADD I have had the most success with Dexadrine 15mg SR, I take it twice a day and it seems to work pretty well. I highly suggest you get ahold of the book “Driven To Distraction” if you are like me and others you will definately “find yourself” in that book.

Keep in mind you can’t “cure” ADD or ADHD what you can do is work your butt off everyday learning to manage it.

I guess the saving grace of it all is that ADD can be a huge pain in the fanny, but on the other side of the equation. Most people with ADD have amazing minds, brilliant thinkers!

Good Luck.

Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 03/07/2003 - 2:10 AM


hi, im 23 and have adhd ive been taking adderal for six months and im frustrated with my living situation.i feel like i have to get out or ill go crazy.i live with my father and 16 year old brother who also has adhd.i dont know what to do.i build houses for a living with my father and i feel bored at work, like i mastered it or something.i really feel lost!i got kicked out of school in the 10th grade and cheated to get by,got a dui at 21, then domestic violence charge one month later.all alcohol related insoidents!!i grew up it a very hush hush baptist family, they spent countless $ on private schools and ritilan when i was father always told me i didnt need that crap, that its drugs and he would ask me if i wanted to be a drug addict!!!!all i want to do is please that fricking guy. thanks for listening

Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 03/07/2003 - 2:12 AM


hi, im 23 and have adhd ive been taking adderal for six months and im frustrated with my living situation.i feel like i have to get out or ill go crazy.i live with my father and 16 year old brother who also has adhd.i dont know what to do.i build houses for a living with my father and i feel bored at work, like i mastered it or something.i really feel lost!i got kicked out of school in the 10th grade and cheated to get by,got a dui at 21, then domestic violence charge one month later.all alcohol related insoidents!!i grew up it a very hush hush baptist family, they spent countless $ on private schools and ritilan when i was father always told me i didnt need that crap, that its drugs and he would ask me if i wanted to be a drug addict!!!!all i want to do is please that fricking guy. thanks for listening

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