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Help advice for ADD diagnostic clinics

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Hi everyone,
This is my first time here. I am not sure if I have ADD. I am 25 years old. Graduated from college two years ago. During my college years, I always felt like I was not doing my best but I could not force myself to feel motivated to do anything. Focusing was next to impossible. All the information “goes in one ear and out the other”. Now that I have graduated, I feel empty and that I have wasted so much time not accomplishing anything.
After looking at some websites and taking questionaires online, there is a possibility that I might have ADD but would like a professional confirmation. Does anyone know of any ADD diagnostic clinics in the Boston/Cambridge area. I am unemployed and do have any medical coverage makes looking for places a little more difficult.
Reading some of the posted topics gave me new hope that I still have a chance to achive my goals. I know I needed to start somewhere but did not know where to start. I am glad I found this site.

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 05/01/2003 - 2:51 AM


If you suspect that you have ADD and you go for a diagnosis they will tell you that you have ADD

ADD is diagnosed by DSM criteria. If you were to go by the DSM criteria 99% of everyone has ADD.

There is no test for ADD. It is a subjective diagnosis for a made up disorder.

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 05/05/2003 - 3:18 PM


I hope that you find all the help you need. I know what is like to be short on the finacial end, but the up side is that you have medical coverage. I don’t and trying to pay for everything and make my brain work is tough. There is a book out you might be interested in. Atleat it let’s you know that you are not alone. “You mean I’m not lazy, stupid, or crazy. by K Kelly” Checkk it out. If money is a problem, usually your local behavior health clinic will help you. They base you ablilty to pay on your income, so in some cases you may not have to pay at all.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 05/07/2003 - 2:47 AM


Try reading “Driven to Distraction” by Dr. Hallowell. He says that it is actually hard to diagnose yourself because you don’t necessarily see that you are disorganized for example. You may want to ask a close relative or friend what they think of your questionable characteristics. I’d like to ask my husband someday for his input.

If you do the research, and think you may have ADD, you might want to try some of the behavior modifications and see if they work. I have a daughter with ADHD symptoms and I’m still ruling out other causes, but, the ADHD coping skills that I have found online do seem to help her.

Just a warning, if you read a piece of advice on this board that seems extreme, you are probably right. There are no quick-fix answers but there is hope.

Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 07/25/2003 - 9:36 PM


I am in the enviable position of having one son with Physical Disabilities and a Mild Mental Handicapped as well as three other sons. The mentally handicapped son was put on Ritalin for inattention in grade 2, but it was totally the wrong thing. He did have some issues with inattention but these were due to a severe language disorder which was at the time being ignored as a source of hid frustration and distration. I am glad we figured this out early on. One other son has been Diagnosed with ADD and really does fit the criteria although he managed to complete high school and two years of university transfer courses at college and one year of Bible School training without drugs. (Ritaliin was tried in grade 5 but didn’t agree with him, and he also tried Prozac and Dexedrine briefly before Bible school but went off it quickly) He seemed to do well in a supportive environment and his academics where fiine for awhile. Now at 26 however he has hit a wall and I think meds need to be considered to help him suceed in the worik career stream. He is takiing a Broadcasting course in the fall. MY youngest son was initially diagnosed with ADHD and put on Ritalin for mostly behaviour struggles, impusive, not reading social situations correctly and responding inappropriately often in an agressive way. It did not work entirely though and I think that is because he is also GIFTED LEARNING DISABLED. It has always been my frustration that drugs are often used as a quick fix to make life easier in the class situation. (My question is for whom) The trouble with that is when professionals and parents do not look deeper and other exceptionalities may be missed. The profile of LD/Gifted is uncannily like the one for ADHD. My fouth son never was tested and seemed behavourally fine till age 13 then he has done a 180 degrees and is worse off than the other three, althhough obviously very intelligent he finshed school after twelve years with only a grade 10 level of learning. He cannot hold a job and has gotten into trouble. I feel bad that we never had him tested although I did approach the school in Grade 10. It was to have happened but he fell through the cracks of job restructuring and financial concerns the school board had at the time. I don’t know if he as ADD or Learning Disabilities but he always seemed ok and although not avery diligent student he always got by. It is important to rule out other causes of Hyperactivity and or distractibility before jumping of the ADD bandwagon. Perhaps you are depressed, all the symptoms you described in your life are symptoms of depression. And it is interesting that psychiatrists often include antidepressants in the Med regime for their ADD clients. The book Driven to Distraction is an excellent one. I lent my copy and never got it back. Good luck on your jouney and keep pressing for an answer.

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