I’m getting very frustrated with my daughters situation. Our doctor seems very informed but we just added a patch to a growing cocktail of medicines. It feels like there is no end in sight. She is taking wellbutrin for depression, adderall for ADHD, tenex to aid sleep and now that tics have started, her doctor perscribed Catapres, a once a week patch. Is this combination safe? My boyfriend thinks we should just take her off all the medication and just use stricter disipline and behavior therapy. I’m afraid that won’t be enough.
Just my view.
Get a second opinion from another doctor. Aren’t both tenex and catapres both medications for high blood pressure? What’s the point of taking two? Shouldn’t some work be done to get at the cause of the tics? It’s pretty well know that stimulants can induce these in susceptible kids. I’d sooner have switched to a nonstimulant like Strattera (which I don’t think has been implicated in tics) than have added on yet another layer of meds. (Also my choice would be to not medicate the tics if they are not that bad, but my tolerance level for that sort of thing probably a lot higher than many others.)
Another thing, whenever you get ADHD and tics together, it is worth looking into the possibility of PANDAS—pediatric autoimmune disorder associated with strep. Do a Google search on Dr. Swedo +PANDAS for more information. (Dr. Swedo of the National Institute of Health is the pioneering doctor in this field.)
I don’t like the sound of stricter discipline and behavior management. All too often this translates into more shouting at the poor child who is already having a hard enough time. These kids often are already on sensory overload and shouting tends to push them further over the edge. Structure and consistency combined with a great deal of encouragement, on the other hand, can often be very helpful.
Re: Too many meds?
[size=18]You can’t even spell tics! Ha, you guys are a rip! It’s not the bug! It’s a tic movement. Here, educate yourself![/size]
Tics are spasm-like contractions of muscles most commonly involving the face, mouth, eyes, head, neck or shoulder muscles. Tic movements often appear to be intentional but in fact are not under the control of the person making them. There are two kinds of tics, motor and vocal.
Motor tics can be simple or complex. Simple motor tics involve only one muscle group. They can be embarrassing or painful (such as jaw snapping). Simple motor tics include:
Quick eye blinks or eye jerks
Tongue movements, including sticking out the tongue
Head twitches or head jerks
Squatting and hopping
Shoulder shrugs
Complex motor tics can be a combination of many simple motor tics or a series of movements that involve more than one muscle group. Complex motor tics are slower and often appear as if the person is doing the movement intentionally. These type of tics can interfere greatly with daily life and may be harmful (such as head banging or lip-biting). They include:
Facial grimacing
Touching people or things
Obscene gesturing or gyrating movements
Vocal tics can be simple or complex. Simple vocal tics involve sounds made by moving air through the nose or mouth, including grunting, barking, hissing, sniffing, snorting or throat clearing.
Complex vocal tics may involve words, phrases and sentences. Patients with a complex motor tic may repeat their own words (palilalia) or other people’s words (echolalia) and may use obscene words (coprolalia). These vocal tics may interrupt the flow of a normal conversation or occur at the beginning of a sentence, much like a stutter or a stammer. Complex vocal tics include statements, such as “Yeah, that’s right,” or “Now you’ve got it.”
I’m on a roll, don’t stop me now!
Thanks for the replies, I think
Wow! What did I miss? Thank you all for the replies. I am not worried about Tardive dyskenesia. Not only do I now how to spell tics, but I’m well aware that Tardive dyskenesia is a potential side-effect of long-term treatment with phenothiazines such as Thorazine and Haldol. Since we aren’t on those, it seems silly to add those to my plate of worries. My boyfriend is a jerk. I need to dump him. He wanted to move in, but But I don’t want him being her dad. You know what I mean? You are right marie, I just looked it up, they are both heart medicines. I really should use my computer more. This place is awesome! Thanks!
Way to go!
Thank you Belynda! I have been trying to show eveyone what lies these guys have been posting on the board. Thanks for helping me prove what we were trying to say all along. Everything these anti-med folk is saying are lies. They cover it up with big words and fancy references and names of people no ones ever heard of (because they don’t exist, or it never really happened) . I have been trying to tell the whole board what fanatical manipulative liars these people are. Now do you see what I mean? Thanks for backing me up, there girl. Good desicion about the boyfriend by the way. We have to put our kids first. Not ourselves or out political agenda or obessions!
I have also been trying to tell everyone what cowards they are. Just look at the time they have reduced themselves to having to post, (the previous post by Balls will probably be deleted, because of the language and insults he used) But for the record, Ball signed on at 1pm this morning and posted a few posts. All full of nothing but insult because we are all catching on to their little psychotic game. Obviously this hour is best for them, when there is no one around to challenge their lies, because anyone of us can trace their information through internet resources to see how they lie and twist things. Not only don’t these guys confront us in real life, out from behind their computers, but now, they can’t even handle it when we are on line to shove the corrected information in their…faces. I try to always take the highroad, you know.
I love the statement of purpose, as if any of you have kids besides the fanasy children and step children you have to make up, along with the falsified studies, twisted biology and completely convuluted stories. No one here is going to let your posts stay up for long. And guess what? If you can only post in the wee hours, how many folks will get to see it? Compare that to how long MY posts will stay up and how many people will get to read them! Just look at the views on my posts. (LOL!) I’ll win everytime here anti-everything club. And with a tenth the effort you have use. It’s like taking candy from a baby! Hey, how ‘bout this; like taking Bagdad from Iraq. Ohh, Ohh! Like taking child support from a dads paycheck! I crack me up!!!
Well, I’m up and at ‘em early this morning. It’s my DS class party and I volunteered to monitor, bring food and fill water balloons. Oh My! where’s Mr. Ed? He’d be so concerned with exposing brain impaired children to rubber and water!
Thanks for continually exposing yourselves guys. If it wasn’t for your underestimating the knowedge on this board and making such silly remarks and blatant lies, the good people of this board might actually be believing your tripe! Again, I don’t normally like to post such “Pro” postings, I like people to feel secure that any therapy they choose is better than lying about things. But thanks again, you have given me reason to get a few things out there I wouldn’t normally have a reason to state. It’s kinda ironic how you’re helping me and hurting yourselves with every post you write! Kinda makes one wonder why you bother!
Hugs!…and this time KISSES!
Only the BEST are attacked Rebelmom
Rebelmom, it’s an honor when you are attacked by the ‘luciencarrieballetc morph personality’. The ‘below the belt’ adolescent-type attacks and attempts to discredit you only means that you are the most threatening to their agenda. This type is use to being able to shove misinformation without resistance from the recipient I think. They generally thrive on the ignorant and those easily-intimidated for support. You are quite the opposite and it must be very unsettling for these bullies/bully.
Oh, and Carrie, I see you took my advice and moved onto a new user name “Lucien” since your hours were numbered. How long can you stay on stage as Lucien now?
Re: Too many meds?
I think you are right Terrie. As you can see, I’m hardly offended. I guess it is kind of flattering, now that you mention it!
I still cannot believe they debunk all forms of therapy, just to promote back adjustments of young children with healthy backs> Did you see the news last month about Chirotherapy being directly linked to strokes and other life threatening health issues? Perfectly fine people with nothing more than a back ache end up dead! Unbelievable! I can see them assuming we are ignorant or inexperienced, but do they think we don’t have tv’s or radios and hear the news?
Be aware folks, be very aware! What the anti-everything club promotes is a deadly therapy invented to line their pockets! There is no studies done on this and for good reasons. Do your own research, you will only find sale pitches, no real reputable proof. But there is puh-lenty of proof of the dangers of back adjustments. But hey, all this for a disorder they don’t beleive even exists! Can thiese guys contradict themselves anymore? Lets find out;
YOu go girl
Rebelmom, you are honorable. I think sincere people looking to find help for their children, will know the truth about these people because of the “truths” you have posted.
It sickens me when these people pray on other people’s problems, and mislead them into dangerous therapies.
I mentioned in your other posts about my recent back surgery, and how the so call Chiropractors “helped” me right into open back surgery. Two of my lower back lumbars ‘MOVED’, and was moving. If the Surgeon haven’t immobolised them, I would have gotten Stenosis or much worse loss all feelings to my legs. Now 4 metal screws, two rods, and bone fusion later, I am still in recovery after 9 months.
So Parents don’t believe the anti-everything propaganda, they have their own agenda and it is not the welfare of your children.
Re: Texans for safe education
[quote:a4d1e856ff=”Lucien”]. Societal resources should be spent on better pay for well-prepared teachers working with lower student-teacher ratios and the banning of mouthy psyhco bitches from Long Island NY.[/quote]
Bye-bye, Lucien.
An excellent testimonial from a longtime board member. The dangers of Chiropratics are huge! Even for the disorders it was intended for. Can you imagin these guys playing neurologists, with a child, no less? the word must make you cringe, Mayleng. I know the words Open Back Surgery makes ME cringe. Our medication has turned my lost boy into a functional happy boy, enjoying his childhood, doing well in school, making friends. Why would I trade that for open back surgery?
Lucien, now you've done it.
Barb, nice catch on “the banning of mouthy psycho bitches from Long Island, NY.”
Lucien (OR WHOEVER YOUR ARE), you couldn’t control your foul mouth, could ya? When losing always degrade yourself further by using foul language. It shows you are a “class act” (NOT!)
Bye Bye :lol:
Belynda, have you tried natural alternatives to help with the sleep and appetite problems? Behavior therapy can only help so much. ADHD needs a total solution, meds, diet, exercise, behavior modification.
Tell your boyfriend that it is not a matter of stricter discipline, your daughter cannot control her impulses without some help. She is not purposely misbehaving.
If you are concerned about medicating your daughter too much, you should consult the doctor and maybe try to find an alternative to help with the side effects .
There is a new non-stimulant med in the market called Strattera which is very effective on kids that cannot tolerate stimulants.
You should check this out. It might be what your daughter needs.
Good luck