I hope someone can help. MY son’s school has asked us to get him tested (private school) this summer and I have interviewed both a neuropsychologist and an ed psychologist who specializes in neuropsychology. What I can’t tell is why the neuro would be any better. Why put by adhd kid (without any meds since they don’t work for him)through 8-10 hr. of testing if all the neuro does that is different from the ed. psych is infer from tests what part of the brain is involved? How does that help my child do better in school? Can I save him the agony of all those tests and have as good a result with a regular psychologist’s educational assessment? I think he may have nld, s/t memory problems, and auditory discrimination problems. He has a very slow processing speed according to the report of the psychologist who tested him a few years ago (he just did the WiSC III). He also has fine motor prob. that haven’t resolved but I doubt we will do anything more on that since he resists occupational therapy and has improved a lot. Help! Would you go to the neuro or the ed psychologist? And do you think personality of the dr. is a factor? Also is it better to go to a person who does all the testing and assessment himself/herself or to go to a university where it’s done by a few people?